For a doughnut described as ‘Key Lime cake donut dipped in vanilla fondant and topped with a key lime streusel’, I have to say it was fairly unspectacular. It was free however, courtesy of the Roll Up The Rim To Win contest. I’m a winner!
In less spectacular news, my faith in the Missed Connections presented by Craigslist is shattered. My friend got an email over the weekend from the guy who started the search for her. It sounded as though he was breaking off a long engagement rather than mulling over having a coffee. He went on at length about having done a lot of soul searching and thinking about his priorities and basically, he felt it was time for him to focus on other things.
My guess is that he really needs to focus on his wife and kids and compose ads that are less likely to be answered.
Amid all this sadness, there is hope – only 12 more sleeps until I can bite the ears off of my chocolate Jesus!
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Wow, that's quite the romantic tale. Too bad it didn't happen closer to Valentine's Day--instead of April Fool's Day (maybe he was just joking?).
I couldn't imagine anything less appetizing than a key lime doughnut, but I guess one has to taste the wild side every now and then.
Funny. The stereotypical view that many in the US have towards our neighbors up north is that they consume nothing but Molson and doughnuts (and sometimes haggis). But now, it turns out only Canadian cops overconsume doughnuts (I'm guessing Molson too). It's always great to find that people of different nationalities have something in common, and sharing the same stereotypes is precious.
BTW, from the commercial, I gather that in the contest, you could win a car or a laptop. Makes the key lime doughnut sound like a pretty chinzy prize. Better luck next year.
I won a coffee last week.
By the way your friend at work is better off, have you been reading about the craiglist meet up in NY that ended with a reporters death ..
I want the easter bunnies ears.
Soul searching over a cup of coffee? He's most definately married. Jerk
He's a jerk not you. You're so not a jerk.
Sulk. I never win anything on the roll ups. Except a condescending "Play again". Eff you, Tim Hortons! I'm still trying that donut though. Sounds yumalicious.
You can keep chocolate Jesus, I aim to be belly deep in Cadbury's Creme Eggs.
So you track down someone just to tell them, 'no, sorry, it's not you, it's me'?
What a weird ego trip for him to take.
"My guess is that he really needs to focus on his wife and kids and compose ads that are less likely to be answered."
This was one of the most brilliant observations I've ever seen written.
Well, at least your donut was free, right?
Hon-bun, I've been singing Chocolate Jesus for WEEKS now.
And have you noticed that there aren't any SUGAR FREE bunnies to be found anywhere?? What's up with THAT?!
I guess he just wasn't that into real live women.
PSA for Capn Ergo etc - Purdy's chocolates make sugar-free chocolate-hazelnut hedgehogs. They are said to be a laxative, but I've never noticed.
I had a Key Lime donut this weekend and was unimpressed. I think Tim Hortons needs a donut rejuvenation. No more of this frozen crap!
Key lime donut? I am thinking that the ears on the choco-Jesus will be a better treat. Just eat them right now.
I nebber win nuttin'.
But if you bite the ears off your chocolate Jesus he won't be able to hear your prayers.
Doc is too funny. I hate easter candy - all those pastels! - ew!
only 12 more sleeps until I can bite the ears off of my chocolate Jesus!
You're killin me over here. I won't ever be able to look at a chocolate Jesus now without thinking of you.
Furst of all, Patty already warned me about the dumb donut, she'd taken one for the team, so I didn't have to.
Secondly, what part of the chocolate jebus would I go for first? That's right. The wiener. Jebus has a wiener doesn't he?
Also, can I say hi to everyone else commenting? Hi everybody!
That doughnut sounded delicious. So sorry it failed to deliver. Or did it? (Meaning, were you expecting mediocrity?)
'Streusel'? 'Streusel'? Tim Hortons is not fucking allowed to use words like 'streusel'. It's 'crumble', for fuck's sake. Possibly just 'crumbs'. Where do they think they operate, the fucking Viennese opera house under the nose of the fucking Kaiser of Classiness? 'Streusel' indeed. Bastards.
Oh god, I miss it so.
you lost me at "key lime" and "doughnut" as one item. yuckgh!
He might not be married. Maybe, he just takes his job really really seriously. Not everyone gets to come up with ideas for designer doughnuts.
Congrats on your win! Myself, I have won F-A this year. I don't imagine a key-lime donut would sit well with me though...
I love chocolate jesussssesss'!
Describe this chocolately goodness you're talking about. Slowly.
12 sleeps. I used to live in Ten Sleep..Ten Sleeps. Haven't heard that term in awhile.
Do you have a chocolate Jesus? I want one!
For Easter, I am making a meatloaf in the shape of Jesus. People will probably fight over the legs.
Roll up the Rim to Win... ???
What the hell have I missed?!?
So far I am at about 3 for 10 at Tim's with ye olde rim roll-up (two free coffees and one yet to be claimed donut)- KA CHING!
My fondest memories of Easter chocolate involve my brother and I acting out those old Reese's Peanut Butter Cup adds - "oops, you chocolate is in my peanut butter... hey, your peanut butter is on my chocolate...mmmm tastes great together" (said in unison).
The moment that chocolate rabbit ear hit the peanut butter jar it was pure milky peanutty bliss!
ressayez--please play again.
screw you, Timmy's
I really don't want to sound lkke a Jesus freak here. But all he wants us to do is to love. That's the really one and only commandment he told everyone: Just to LOVE!!
OK everyone, go into the Beatle;s song "Love, love, love" All we need is love love love. that's it! All we need is love, babe, that's all we need. YAY!!
Those are the saddest words aren't they OWB?!
You really sound like a Jesus Freak there Anonymous. Did you read this post?
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