It's audio blog time again on Passion of the Dale, now that I can speak again. After a trying several hours, I'm back on track and ready to roll (my eyes at least).
Click the play button on my GCast player (Let's Go Audio) on my sidebar and listen in on another episode from this small life.
Please note, this one involves an unholy trinity of ennui, booze and dentistry. Oh, and Ambassador Brad!
Click the play button on my GCast player (Let's Go Audio) on my sidebar and listen in on another episode from this small life.
Please note, this one involves an unholy trinity of ennui, booze and dentistry. Oh, and Ambassador Brad!

Brad doesn't sound nearly as fun as Elvis wannabe. What's a mud shake?
Dentists and Honeypot on the air need to have an age and pain advisory on your audioblog. I know you mentioned the dentist, but this was all very scary.
The excitement of the dentist over his first shave had me laughing. Great audio post, as per usual!
Oh, and that "crunching sound under the tracks?" A stale bagel and yes, that will teach you to stop coming by the KBL shop.
BTW, did you mean a mud slide?
I picked up the mudshakes at the liquor store Chancelucky, a tasty concoction that's probably similar to the mud slide WP's linked to below. I've added a photo. I apologize for the lack of NC 17 rating but would that have stopped you?
Thanks Falwless, I'm always nervous when I see the Little Tykes tools he uses.
I thought it might be a bagel or one of the Elvis lite conductor's shiny show belts as payback for my scorn. I'll have a mud slide, a mud shake, anything with the booze in it sounds great WP.
I'm at work so I can't listen to funny things other than what my boss says when he tries to tell me what to do, which is pretty funny. But I bet your audio-doohicky is pretty good! I mean, other people seem to like it...
When is Canada going to join the modern age and set up roller discos in their public transport?
I wonder how Brad would be in a hostage situation or a military coup on the train? Isn't that what ambassadors do?
(1) Could have been worse. At least your dentist isn't old enough to drink.
(2) You wouldn't have had to raise your whole hand, just one finger.
(3) What's a torch without a pitchfork?
Lip smacking goodness huh Cap'n?
Your boss probably has no idea just how funny he is Chris.
We shall never surrender Pistols although we will borrow your leg warmers.
He's probably got some sort of diplomatic immunity from having to do all those things Barbara.
He hasn't asked me to buy him booze yet either X. Dell so I'm happy about that. Yes, I had a special finger all picked out too! I'll borrow your pitchfork next time I'm in your part of the world.
A day like this calls for Scotch and lots of it!
Why are they "Mudshakes" north of the border?
It's been awhile since I've listened to one of your podcasts. I still love how you pronounce "out" and "without."
"Cascading out of her black bikini"...ah, the visual that conjured up...
I love how you describe things.
Plastic flower bed? Does that mean she put plastic flowers OUTSIDE?
You're like Edward Gorey's Neville, who died of ennui.
The scotch would have been welcome Doc. Pour me one and I'll keep talking and drooling.
Just to keep you guessing WP.
Valerie, I love it when you show up and make fun of me and still manage to make me feel good. Yes, she has a whole little fenced off 'garden' of plastic flowers. I don't think I mentioned the wooden butterflies attached to the fence but they're there too.
The resemblance is striking isn't it CP?
LOL, our bus driver sings and makes spooky laughing noises over the PA on Halloween.
Halloween is once a year Genn6, you wouldn't want to hear those noises every day. Or would you?
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