A few afternoons ago during my lunch break, I was outside in the seating area near my office among a fair number of other people. A blind man who works in my building was standing a few feet away from me having a smoke. He has a cane that he uses but doesn't wear the cool shades so many of those hipster blind guys do. One look at his eyes and it's pretty plain to see he's differently abled.
A touristy looking couple approached and of all the people to ask directions from, they went up to him. "Excuse me but can you tell us where the nearest McDonald's is?" He said "See that door over there?" He pointed accurately and directly to the door a few feet away. "Go through there, down the escalator and into the food court and the McDonald's is on your left at the end". "Thank you". The couple walked directly past the door he'd just pointed out and continued up the street toward the next building which has no entrances on that side looking more lost than before.
When a blind man gives sighted people directions they can't follow, I have faith that I will continue to laugh at the human race until I can no longer see straight.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
They probably thought it was Opposite Day!
Maybe they were Americans and don't understand the metric system?
Yes Skyler's Dad, it was! I will have to tell the blind guy what happened so he can have a laugh as well.
They're probably still looking for the elusive door Barbara.
A highly likely possibility Flannery, everything changes with the Metric system. Have you ever heard of the band Metric? I was just listening to their song "Gimme Sympathy". Look it up on the old YouTube.
Do you reckon the blind guy did it on purpose?
Why the hell would you ask a blind guy for directions anyway? I would because I know that most blind people have a extra-keen sense of awareness, but most people are idiots and don't know that. You do need to tell him, and then post for us his reaction.
He did the right thing Pirate Jessica, it was the landlubbers who couldn't figure things out.
I found it a little odd Gennifer 6, there were lots of people around him who clearly were not holding a walking cane.
That was a good one!
It was a sight to see Old Lady!
I'd say you'd have two blind people, and a sightless man who know's where he's going.
i'd say you see things in the most interesting way X. Dell!
You are mean down to your very soul. That is why we are friends.
What do you mean, mean? Okay, maybe a little CP!
Like that kinda vague dude wok'n with a... a... stick? That's cool. You rock, pal.
konsentrasi menurun karena kekurangan perhatian..
excellant post
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