If you ever need someone to take one for the team, invite me to dinner.
After thoroughly enjoying the excellent musical play Ride The Cyclone at Theatre Passe Muraille and heady with remembering it is possible to be completely entertained for under 20 bucks, we headed for Buca to have drinks and dinner. The restaurant had a bricked and warehouse-y feel but managed to be warm and inviting.
Wine, cocktails and appetizers were decided on after some discussion and I settled back with a delicious vodka based drink finished off with elements of pepper and pear. After a preliminary taste, I set it down rather than guzzling it the way I wanted to.
The server came back to fuss with things ahead of the food arriving and got things off to an exciting start by knocking my drink from the table all over my right side (I've found there is no wrong side when these things happen). Apologies and enough napkins to start a quilt didn't help much with drying off my black pants but did help with the appearance I was quite skilled in the lint harvesting arts.
While the splash down my leg left the impression of a not particularly well executed hate crime, I was determined to grin and bear it - I'm sufficiently annoying when things are going quite well. Thankfully, the food was fantastic and pulled focus from my tragicomic predicament and the evening ended on good notes several hours later.
This is not the first time I've had to wet-crotch my way through a dinner service. Once on a long flight, my light grey pants enjoyed a full glass of white wine just ahead of the "chicken or fish?". While my undercarriage seemed no worse for wear after 6 hours of dampness, my pants definitely were. On another occasion just before attending the opera for a grand evening, another full glass found its way into my lap at dinner. It's not over until the fat lady pours out her heart and possibly a drink onto you.
If someone is bound to end up wet not-by-choice, it'll be me, you're safe. So please, take me to dinner - you're assured to look as fresh and happy as when your evening began while I'll be left with more practice than I need at perfecting the fine art of Canadian restraint.
Egg tempera weirdo
4 weeks ago
You're rather like Mr. Golden who is a ding magnet with cars. No matter what he's driving, it ends up dented, scratched and abused.
I'm sorry, but I laughed. With you, not at you.
I am usually the knocker, not the knockee. So I apologize in advance for whenever I finally get to meet you.
See? You should have guzzled like you wanted to and your undercarriage would have been just fine. Lesson learned - always guzzle your drink before your crotch does it for you.
I'm a knocker too...And Dale: You have a permanent invitation to dinner.
I always imagined you with a wet spot.
Pepper and pear? I would have knocked that over accidentally in hopes of a new drink. ;)
I laughed too Lisa to hide my shame at not being able to be taken anywhere without causing some sort of scene! You and Mr. Golden take care playing smash up derby!
Looking forward to the spilled drinks and subsequent blog posts Skyler's Dad!
Sage advice Barbara, what am I thinking with the slow drinking?!
I'm hungry now Jenny, what's on the stove?
Hahaha Mel, so glad to help you verify your mental picture of me.
It was odd Allison but it seemed right at the time. I did get a fresh drink which I probably did imbibe a little more quickly just in case and then switched over to the wine.
Undercarriage...tee hee hee!
It's far too underused a word isn't it Beckeye? Haha.
I seem to recall you posting something about the airplane mishap. Maybe liquids might have an unnatural attraction to your lap.
They do indeed X. Dell. I guess you could say I'm all wet.
One word (hyphenated): crotch-rot.
That's almost a compliment CP, thank you for not calling me 'moist and easy'.
Whew...you just made it. Was cleaning up my blog roll and eliminating any blog that hadn't posted since Dec 2011. You just made it...
I can't say I understand your culling process VE but I'm glad I made the cut, so to speak.
I thought you wrote, "Gin and bear it..." which makes waaaay more sense...
Also, am I grusome and tacky for hijacking your comments to say hi to everyone?
HI Lisa Chris (aka Skyler's Dad) Barbara (that Zombie!) Jenny (Flannery) Mel (I'm not sure I know you, but I'll say hi!) Allison
Beckeye X-Dell (I think I know you...) Coaster Punchman
Tanya!!!!!!! (flying tackle hug) How are you?
(Sorry, Dale, for the public display of affection.)
Lisa! I'm hugging you right back, once I was able to breathe again!
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