It was a bit of a different story when it came to the dessert section though.
Although you might not need to click to enlarge the photo to get the point, have a read at what they've put beside Patrick Swayze's photo. I didn't doctor (or lawyer) this at all.
To make things stranger yet, the photo credit is to Michael Crichton.

It really hurts to snort tea out my nose like that. You owe my sinuses an apology.
I didn't snort tea like Barbara, but improperly inhaled some chocolate. Ah, that is priceless.
Well, sometimes a bowl of ice cream is just a bowl of ice cream. This wouldn't be one of those times, though.
Boy, between this post and the last one, I wonder what you have on your mind.
You know, when I was reading your post I had to double-check the magazine's name as I'd initially read it as "vulva" - now that would be an interesting mag!
No wonder he had the time of his life.
That dance-off with Chris Farley just got an extra level of funny.
That is priceless indeed!
Barbara's sinuses? I'm sorry this happened. I will ask Barbara not to do that to you again.
It's hard to think of an improper way to inhale chocolate but I bet if I kept trying Allison...
I think it must have been meant as a joke but got published anyway X. Dell don't you? I can't answer anything about what's on my mind without my lawyer present. And I don't have one so...
Vulva, PJ? Will it be a monthly? Weekly? I bet it'd sell no matter.
I wonder if he ever felt this way before Chelene?
That made me laugh almost as much as the photo and caption did Pistols! I was going to say laugh almost as hard but I stopped myself.
Priceless describes it perfectly Mellowlee, especially since the magazine was free.
Erm . . . looks like an intern on their last day at the magazine having a serious 'fuck you' moment. There's nothing in the recipe to suggest what the penile/cock ring bit of the picture is doing there, right? That's awesome.
But what is it exactly? It looks fungal...
Wow, a raging case of WTF on the editor who let that go to print.
Oh, and like X Dell said. I have a screenwriter friend who I haven't seen since 2003 when he left work to pursue the big dream. When I Googled him, there were all these links to a photographer who has the exact same name.
This photog does just about every cookbook and home design book in print. He gets so much work, that I could barely find any relevant links to my friend, like two out of hundred. Why, it would be like Googling "Dale Ripert."
i wonder what the jennifer grey dessert looks like?
speechless. utterly speechless.
someone tell Flannery that has NoCo writ large all o'er it.
Wow. I'm sure Mr Swayze must be really really proud of his special dessert.
Holy Shite! I did not click to enlarge. I already took my shower today.
Frankily Yours
That's what I thought Mistress, someone's trying to sink the ship just for fun! No inclusion on the ingredient list, hysterical isn't it?
I thought maybe it was some sort of banana flambé Charles but something fungal is just as likely.
Dale Ripert brings up both Eric and that guy Dale who nearly won Top Chef WP. They finally aired it here and I just saw them give the title to Hung last week. Uh oh, now we've added the word hung to this whole mess.
It'd probably be fairly unrecognizable wouldn't it DCap? Hahaha.
Don't snort too close to the dessert Bluez, it'll get a complex.
But are you hungry 668?
It'll have to be you Hot Lemon.
He looks fairly pleased Bubs, almost like he'd dance for it.
Push it Franki, push that button, come on. Oh Franki.
"They finally aired it here and I just saw them give the title to Hung last week. Uh oh, now we've added the word hung to this whole mess."
Wasn't that just the most controversial reality show finale you've ever seen?
I saw the last several episodes WP and I was shocked they gave it to him considering the way they were saying practically seconds earlier 'we don't see you in food'. Dale looked poised to take it all. I'm not shocked at much that happens on reality tv though especially considering the disclaimers at the end of the show saying some decisions are made with the producers input. The reunion show is on this week so I'll see that and put it all to rest. Until next time.
I never did get to see the reality show and I'm always amazed how certain people (not singling out anyone in particular) don't get eliminated in certain episodes. I really wish they would put out the previous seasons on DVD, you would see that any of those contestants would trounce these contestants, who were all floundering during the middle of this season.
My question is would you eat it? Apparently Patrick Swayze would.
I don't believe it. It's too good to be true.
And there was just a Top Chef holiday edition WP where they brought back contestants from all 3 seasons and someone won $20,000, I won't say who.
I wouldn't eat it Chancelucky, nor would I dance for it.
It's pretty damned awesome isn't it Valerie?
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