It's easy to spot people with Christmas spirit - some wear holiday sweaters, others smile at you for no reason, another might let you ahead of them in the grocery store line, but there's always one special person who really drives it home.
When you're in control of an SUV filled with children, have taken the time to attach a wreath to your front grill, nearly run me over in an intersection and then give me the finger, well, you win!
I bet she was just showing you her festive Christmas tree ring.
To show my christmas spirit, I like to wear a sparkly bedazzled vest, a Santa brooch, and some reindeer earrings. You know, like the ones you gave me...
Wow, I always thought Canadians were a very polite, laid-back, law-abiding people who would never try to run someone over at an intersection. At least not right before Christmas!
I think she was only trying to share an old Celtic yuletide gesture of good will.
Or she was an asshole. One or the other.
Oh stop it Dale! These tear-jerking holiday stories always get me all misty!
I'm sure she was just in a hurry to get to a soup kitchen to help those less fortunate. Geez, Dale, have a heart!
Now, did the wreath have lights? Because that would have just been over the top. ;)
next time, dont wear a white beard and red suit when you are around town
I didn't know your nun sister drove an SUV!
The child-filled portion of the SUV was responsible for the finger.
That was you? Sorry dude, I thought it was some assholes. Next time I'll stop twice.
She was attempting to let you know that you were #1, just like that Jesus fellow.
Peace = Leave anything that dares to cross your SUV's path in pieces.
Good Will = Giving them the finger when they escape with their lives, to let them know that you care.
She knew that you were waging the war against Christmas and she was just doing her duty!
She wasn't insulting you at all Dale. It was merely a "Festivus" challenge. Challenge #569 of the Feats of Strength I do believe- Man vs. SUV.
Festivus for the rest of us indeed!
Were you wearing your "Christians Suck!" T-shirt again? Dude, that shirt gets you into more trouble...
::sniff:: that's so wonderful... I'm touched!!
Well, did you at least wave back at your mom?
Wait. Was she Korean?
Typically I spot them as they bounce off me in a shopping aisle. I'm a lot denser than I look.
Hey, wait.
You should have gone all Dexter on them!
Might not have been a Christmas wreath on the grill...could have been a funeral wreath. Probably, just US autoworker and family expressing their holiday frustration.
Glad you dind't get hit.
I put a wreath of spaghetti noodles on my grill and the carcass of a fish on my bumper. People just naturally stay away from me.
Try it!
That's TOO funny! Well, only because of the "nearly getting run over" part.
Merry Ho-Ho, which is what my kid is saying incessantly. I've sarcastically shortened it to "Merry Ho'", which impresses my mother to no end.
Dale, are you going to do your Christmas Card special this year or did I miss it?
As Julie London sings, "It's the loveliest!"
that's not very nice dale. if it weren't christmas, perhaps you would have given her the finger back?
christmas spirit is a wonderful thing. i really try to be the same all year round, but enjoy making people smile in december especially.
Ah, that made me feel all gooey inside. I hope you ruined her Christmas spirit right back.
Thanks for all the loverly comments as usual folks. My head has been spinning from work over the last while but I'm finally off and can enjoy reading and re-reading your blogs, these comments and the side of the cereal box in the morning!
Yup. You know those folks, too. Good to know I have company.
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