Happy Holidays to all who have stopped here and made me laugh, think, and laugh some more. May the ghosts of Christmases past be friendly, may your travel woes be few, and may the baby Jesus keep your turkeys moist.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Merry Christmas, Dale!
Happy Ho-Ho! May the swag outweigh the bills this year.
Meow, that's one cute kitty!
Merry Christmas to you too and may your egg be noggy!
Merry Christmas Dale!
Jesus always keeps me moist.
Merry Christmas good sir, thanks for all of the wonderful posts!
Do Canadians believe in Christmas? :) Just kidding! Happy holidays!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Dale! And thank-you so much for making me a part of your blogging family.
Merry Christmas yourself Dale.. have a good one
The merriest of Christmases to you!
Have a great Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Dale.
Merry Christmas and a can of shrimp for the kitty.
Merry Christmas sir, enjoy your holidays and thanks for all the amusing tales/anecdotes/grievances from the past year.
Is that your adoptee? Love the mustache.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays, Dale! No matter what color my Christmases are, I know that as long as there's a Dale and he has a passion, my days will be merry and bright.
Ha! Well said my friend!
Merry Christmas. And Frodo Christmas. And Pippin Christmas. And Sam Christmas. And Gollum Christmas. Oh never mind...
See you on the other side for more fantastical nonsense fun...
Merry Christmas to you and the cutest cat in existence, who evidently brings her own Christmas dinner with her.
The tree is decorated, the pumpkin pies are in the oven (coudn't FIND any, so I MADE the fuckers meself!!), there's presents under the tree (which is NOT upside-fucking-DOWN, thankee, and mercifully I do not have to work!!
What could be better? Smith's Hat!!
Rizzo is very royal. Merry Christmas Dale!
Um, how exactly is the infant Jesus keeping my turkey moist? Lemme put it another way: if Baby Jesus were in diapers, would I have a dry bird?
A very Merry Christmas to you, Dale!
Merry Christmas Dale and your little cat too...
she's adorable and she owns you, you can see it in her eyes...
Dale, you know I can't get enough of your sweet, sweet duff. MC & HNY!
Also - your cat has a wicked cool moustache.
Cheers old friend. Thanks for all the wackyness, joy and tears. Have a grand holiday and if you see your sister, give her a squeeze from me, as I've always wanted to hug a nun.
put some strips of bacon on the turkey as you cook it for the last hour or so and it will be nice and moist. mmmmm...turkey.
Merry Christmas Dale, all the best!
That's true about me too. Mostly the part where I couldn't care less.
And you my darling Dale have been very, very bad.
In the most delicious way!
BTW, your pussy is gorgeous.
Happy Christmas, Dale! :)
Merry Christmas, Dale!
Merry merry merry Dale.
I must have been naughty. The turkey was a little drier than I would have liked. Oh well, that's why baby Jesus made gravy. Merry Christmas!
Um, what exactly is the baby doing to the turkey to make it moist? I'm scared!
I'm late, unless you're in the past. In which case, Merry Christmas! And don't eat anything green. Don't ask.
Happy Holidays Dale! Lovely kitty!
Moist Turkey is a great name for a band.
Happy New Year!
Happy Holidays Dale! Thanks for the laughs. Black and white kitties are the smartest!
Happy New Year Dale. We had no Christmas to speak of in Japan - people work on the 25th, but the New Year can be one long party!
Or ski trip, as it were, for me...
Happy (a few days after) Christmas, my beloved Bee Boy!
"And may the baby Jesus
keep your turkeys moist."
I laughed out loud at that
thank you Hhahaha!
Hope you had a great xmas!
Hope you had a fabulous pudding-filled (?) holiday and I demand more pictures of that kitty. SO DAMN CUTE!!! Happy New Year! (almost)
You are about to be removed from my blog roll!!! It’s nothing personal…I’m restarting for 2009 this Thursday. Were you at the top of the list in 2008? If not, here’s your chance to be. A single comment gets you on my blog roll. Keep commenting and you’ll stay at the top. Hope to see you in 2009!
Oooh, look at that sweet little girl!
What a gorgeous kitty! Happy 2009 Dale! I hope this year brings you BIG JOY *hug*
Our cat, Spike, looked exactly like that. But now he's gone to be with baby jesus.
God bless!
late to the party - but happy new year my friend
Thanks for all the fantastically warm wishes and for the off colour baby Jesus jokes (what I secretly wanted). I hope y'all had a fantastic holiday.
It's been a few months since I read your blog, but goodness you are still hilarious. Baby Jesus kept my empanadas warm this year.
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