There's a billboard near my office building that shouts CANADIAN DERIVATIVES EXCHANGE and provides a web address.
Rather than take the time to investigate what I'm looking at, I am preferring to believe that we as a country are ready to trade some of the paler television fare currently aping American programs with other countries.
If anyone needs Canadian Idol or anything from HGTV Canada, let me know what you've got and we'll talk.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
So, is "Sunglasses at Night" to Canuckian Idol what "I'll Be" is to the American version?
We have ready to return to the air any minute "Dog the Bounty Hunter". I'll take anything you have for this show.
I wanted to make a hilarious comment, but I couldn't find anything suitable to copy.
Candian Gladiators would rock! Another one bites the snow... etc...
I mean uh.
Hell, I know nothing about calender. Can we have due south instead?
Do you get Canadian Meet the Press? How's Obama doing there?
(Because everywhere is American-centric, right?)
Now, now you have some good movies and programs. 'How It's Made' Love it! Send more stuff down. We'll give you, mmmmmmmmmmmm, CSI Toronto?
How about Canada's Next Top Modeling Designer Chef Makeover of Love?
Hockey night in Canada, eh?
How about you guys do a version of Northern Exposure called Slightly More Northern Exposure? It'll be a critical darling, but only 4 people in the world will watch it.
We (by we I mean my kids) watch alot of Canadian programming. Apparently most pre-school aged TV is made either in Canada or Australia.
Can we trade you Brittany Spears for Leonard Cohen? I know the answer, but I had to at least try.
For trade? Gary Busey and a bag of sand.
Oh, and a handful of paparazzi who may or may not be in a relationship with Britney Spears.
What can I get for that? Can you spare some national dignity?
I'm with Skydad - can we trade them Fox news for the hockey channel?
I was kinda hoping that they'd have a US version of SCTV. I know, there's Saturday Night Live. But I'm thinking of something more like comedy.
But is it really fair to give back crappy shows that we stole from Americans in the first place? I know they wouldn't really notice, but still...
I'd trade the Brady Bunch AND the Dukes of Hazzard for the Red Green Show...
Brent Butt has gas.
The short answer Beckeye? Yes!
Even free trade has limits Suze. I'll send something down but only if we can send Dog into outer space.
How Canadian of you to try though Barbara.
That would rock Freelance Guru, good thinking. We're finished with Due South so it's all yours.
We have similar shows Beth, I hope one of them will book Mrs. Obama Kennedy Onassis.
That is a good show Old Lady, we can share it.
Send it up and I'll send you Canada's Next Great Chef (or whatever it's called). It's a little less cutthroat than Top Chef though.
It says 'in Canada' Skyler's Dad but it's for the world!
Frostbite sweeps week might bring it up to 6 viewers Pistols. I'm calling the network.
We're nice to the kids here Pezda's Ghost. The guns are made of plush.
Thank you for answering your own question Johnny Yen. Maybe they can meet at the border and 'collaborate'.
We have a little dignity Mob so we'll share. Actually Gary would liven up the joint considerably. I guess his equivalent is Don Cherry.
I shudder to think of the FOX being on the run Kristi. Enjoy the game though just the same.
Yes, comedy should have some funny in it X. Dell.
They've been stealing from the Brits for years and haven't noticed Kat so all's fair.
Done deal Chris. It's time Red pulled up stakes and shared the love.
Only in the corners Sans.
That has overtones of the great Canadian Dipthong Shift - actually it's just the Dipthong Shift, but if you're in Canada you have to justify it by saying it's Canadian and then we can all feel good about ourselves and discuss it on the CBC.
I get the DIY channel here. They all seem to talk with Canadian accents.
I'm always available for CBC chats Gifted Typist, scintillating stuff.
Yippee kay DIY Grant.
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