This is a terrible story but I wouldn't have minded seeing a photo of the woman with the metal table legs just the same.
In other news, the weather today is milder than it's been in weeks which means one thing - it's perfect toque selling weather!
Representatives from a large beer company are on just about every downtown streetcorner selling hats to help the homeless.
Also mere feet from the sellers on the streetcorners? Homeless people. Give them a toque. Or at least a beer.

I started reading that story and thought, "this is terrible," and then I got to this line, "...Judge Williams said during her lengthy oral decision..."
Then I just started giggling. Hee hee. Y'know, 'cause it sounds dirty!
Yes, it's official. I have a pea brain.
Or give some of the homeless folks a job, you beer company hosers.
Dale, you can put a toque on the problem but it's not going to fix it.
You have to rip the toque off in one motion so it won't hurt as much.
Hey, do the American bloggies know how to say that word, by the way?
Everyone, it's 'too' then add a K to the end... too-k.
Not toh-kweh.
Hmm...that could be some kind of soup to give the homeless... Do you want some bread with your cuppa toh-kweh?
Bloggers contunially accuse me of being Canadian. I even had to post a list (last year sometime) of reasons I'm not Canadian. I'm too lazy to look up the link, though.
why is it people who beat people get 12 months, but some poor fucker who CONSIPRES to sell dope gets 40 years?? where the hell are our priorities??
I'm crabby 'cuz *I* ain't got no oral decisions made on ME in some time...
What a couple of bitches. But what can you expect from Nova Scotia? :)
It was a pea brain that started the whole thing Beckeye, mine. Case dismissed.
Exactly Barbara!
Twok might be a good way to explain it to Tanya. If the soup's made with real homeless people, I'm in!
I remember the post BSUWG and I know you ARE Canadian.
They're letting you blog from jail Hot Lemon? Awesome! You telling me you can't find no love in there? I was gonna say 'in the hole' but...nevermind.
From sea to shining sea, we're all nuts up here CP. Imagine if you'd met them instead of George in NS!
Why don't they just give the homeless people the hats? It's like their taking the roundabout way.
It's all my fault. This terrible thing happened in my 'hood.
Sorry, Dale.
Sorry everyone.
Well, someone had to apologize.
With metal table legs, hoo, he-he, oh, um sorry. Wasn't expecting that and the imagry stuck me as particularly funny.
So you are saying that Canada is exponentially more violent than the states, and should be avoided at all costs, right?
Why does Nova Scotia breed the embarrassing criminals?
that sentence seems kinda light doesnt it?
I thought that would have been a good idea too Genn6 but they never ask me.
As long as you didn't write the offending first line of that story GT, you're off the hook. It was terrible wasn't it?
That's what happened to me too Pezda's Ghost, struck me right funny it did. Canada is in need of help, don't come but do send money, care of me.
Breed could be the key word Jane Austen Jr. but I'm not going there.
Distributor Cap wins the never regularly held commenting award for that line. The sentence was light and the sentence was light too!
Welcome to my world
Remorseless juvenile thugs, that is. Not Nova Scotia.
They could give them a toque, for the amount of good that will do the homeless. Then again, it's better than beeating them with metal table les.
I love the word toque. Reminds me of the McKenzie Brothers.
I thought of you when I read the story Bubs. Pretty horrible story, the crime and the first sentence.
The beatings probably would be much less welcome X. Dell.
Grant Miller a hoser? Your secret is not so safe with me.
you are so sick. love it.
If by sick you mean mean, yep, that's me!
I thought you were giving the homeless some Red Bull down In Toronto!
Keep that under your hat Jill.
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