My father turned 80 on the 27th of February - Go Dad!
I'll be jetting off to see him from Friday to Sunday (sorry Pop, longer term love comes at a premium).
I will try to exercise a modicum of restraint when dealing with relatives who will be joining in the fun.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
A happy birthday to your dad, enjoy your trip! :)
Happy Birthday old man!...
...and you too, Dale's Father!
Happy Birthday Dale's Dad!
I hope you have a great weekend Dale!
Two days is perfect, trust me. I hope there's enough booze for the weekend.
Happy birthday, Mr Senior Dale!
Take lots of pictures, and get lots of blog fodder...get it? Blog fodder...father...ah, forget it!
Best wishes to the Father of the Dale!
you have to interact with the other members of your family. Those are some of your best stories. Geez, talk about self-centered!
Have a good trip, don't let the relatives wear you down!
Yay! Happy birthday to your daddy-o.
My Dad will be 80 in May.
Do we have to exercise a modicum of restraint when commenting?
huh. I'm off to see my 14 y.o. who's whithered. Does that fall in th' same boat??
Grr, I hate typos, so let's try this again...
I hope your Dad had a great birthday celebration, and that you took lots of catty notes about the rest of the family to relate to us when you return.
Happy Birthday to your pa. My dad turns 80 in twelve years, so I hope to find out what you're going through first hand then.
Hope you enjoy your time at home.
Hope you're planning to drink nonstop.
Happy birthday, Daddio!
My mama turned seventy last month, BTW, and she keeps asking where her card is.
Happy Birthday to your dad! Restraint is for sissies. I say have a great time at someone elses' expense.
Have fun and watch out for flying forks to the jugler.
Happy Birthday Dale Sr.
You are such a good son. Now get down & over to Palatine and help me take care of my parents for a week. I should be about 3 years old when I return to my home. How old will you be?
Happy birthday to your dad, Dale. Have fun and keep copious notes on all the doings. :)
No offense Dale but if you are even half that age of your dad I will consider old.
Have a safe trip and maintain that force field.
We'll be here for your therapy when you return.
happy birthday to your dad --- 80! how great
hope you have a great time
Have I told all of you lately that I love you? No? Well, maybe next time. Okay, this time.
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