Today I found myself wrapped up in an accidental enterprise. I was minding my own (and everyone else's) business walking the block or so back from the bank to my office. Crossing the street, I spied a decent sized group of middle aged tourist types. My recourse seemed simple - I'd swath right through the centre of them and continue on my way.
As I started through, they somehow closed in around me and boom - I'm on a guided walking tour led by someone clucking in umlauts and hurdy gurdy wordiness. Dutch I figured.
It took a bit of jostling but I freed myself as quickly as possible and carried on my way. For a moment, and my trouble, I considered letting them in on this great place I know for coffee but my chewy Canadian centre wouldn't allow it - we need the tourist dollars.
You're welcome Canada! My country 'tis of thee. Wait, wrong country. Never mind.
Egg tempera weirdo
4 weeks ago
Oh you!
It's the bleachy good flav-ah of KBL Coffee!
You should've pulled a Joey Tribiani and asked them if they were from Neverland.
Sounds like a group of Swedish Chefs from the Muppets!
I saw a Dutch guy on TV once. He looked pretty normal, kinda.
Kind of like being abducted by aliens. There wasn't any weird time delay, was there? (Like, when you got out of the Dutch circle, it was a week later?) Just checking...
Was it Rosanne Rosannadanna who was always minding her own business?
Lemme get this straight: you were going to take them by Gin's place so that they could get her special blend of coffee and bleach? Sounds like an international incident to me.
Years from now, a toddler will ask his granfather, "What did you do during the Dutch-Canadian War?" and "How did it start?"
Wow - they should hire you as vice president. Does Canada even have a vice president? If not, our old one will be available in a few months. Free of charge 'cause we're neighborly like that. You're welcome.
You should've put them to work assembling all of your IKEA furniture.
How do you know they weren't Korean?
You know you want some Fran!
They looked confused enough Valerie.
Skyler's Dad - I thought of the muppets when I was listening to them talk.
It's always the normal looking ones Chris, beware.
The only time lost was during my struggle to escape Patrick, as far as I know.
Emily Litella made it into my labels CP, but Rosanne was just as gentle.
It's my sad bid to be part of history X. Dell, I'll think of doing almost anything. At least I stopped a war. That counts right?
As always Suze, you're too good to me/us. Keep your Veep, our Prime Minister is botching things up nicely by himself.
Only if they promised me a discount on the furniture and told me how to pronounce the brand names Beckeye.
The eyes have it, Chancelucky.
Didn't you ever read the writings of Zen Master Hoogee? The one who said, "be like water...flow"
I think he meant something like, "go AROUND big passles of slow moving humans, dummy!"
Then again, what do I know? The only crowds we got HERE in the middle of fucking nowhere Western NY is cows...
I always think I'm smarter than the herd and then find myself in a running of the cows Cap'n Ergo.
Way to avoid an international incident, Dale The Diplomat.
That's not the patented friendliness I've come to expect in my Canucks.
In addition to being witty and cool who knew you were also so civic-minded?
I work around the clock trying to save the world WP, usually from me.
We're snarky when riled Pistols, beware.
I give and give and what do I get? More aggravation Bubs.
"I work around the clock trying to save the world WP, usually from me."
And don't forget about the tainted coffee and bagels, especially the coffee. On the other hand, the folks that make CLR must really not like you, you're cutting into their business like crazy.
Cannot defend yourself from old people?
i am always late
kidnapped by umlauts! Dale, I never know what will befall you next
I could actually be increasing sales Write Procrastinator. Their new slogan might be "CLR changed my life!"
I'm about to Jill, they're everywhere and I feel I must do battle.
Meet you in the middle Distributor Cap, I'm always too early.
I never know either Gifted Typists, my goal is to become a shut in and pretend the things on television are real.
better can yourself in shape, then! And no, Wii doesn't count!
It does if you're talking about Wii Fitness Jill.
I don't think it does a good strengh workout! It maybe works for the cardio, but you want to defend yourself from them, you need muscles!
You could always pick it up and throw it at them Jill, the Wii Fitness thing.
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