It’s just about time for The Big Wicked Online Pageant to go live and it needs your help. I'm sure you recall me shilling for this recently. I even posted a photo of a younger version of myself to entice you with. Although I wasn't in costume, it sure was frightening.
Here’s another to help you get in the spirit. Behold the beauty that was my young self in a photo I call “Most Uncomfortable Looking Boy in the World” or as Coaster Punchman has called it my ‘Ma Vie En Rose’ lookalike shot. Again, not in costume but if you squint, I might pass for the Hamburglar as played by Prince Valiant.

Send Beth your entries and help Bubs fulfill his dreams.
If you don’t have a shot of you, feel free to substitute a shot of your little sister (you know she looked ridiculous that year!) or even one of your dog (does he know no shame?).
Enjoy and look for the winners and losers on a blog near you soon. Full rules and details are posted there as well.
Dale: may I go to the bathroom before I get my photo take?
Teacher: No.
They say pictures are worth a thousand words, then how about the description of a picture? I'd say "the Hamburglar as played by Prince Valiant" is worth thousands of pictures.
Hi-larious, sir.
Damn you, if you are brave enough to keep hauling out the young Dale glamour shots, I may just have to dig something up after all!
All right! I'll do it...I was an only child, so I'm sure I can find a halloween photo of me among the thousands of pictures my parents have...
Dale, you my friend have just been tagged for a meme. See my blog for details.
Is that Gaultier you have on as you vacation in the French countryside?
Such scenic backdrops were not available when I was in school. How lovely. We just had plain old book shelves.
I would love to participate, unfortunately I always looked fierce on Halloween.
Only time all year.
Ah, thanks for reviving my favorite picture of you.
I marvel at your photo knowing I have one just a shade better. Thank you for sharing. That is delightful!
And since I made you had to wait so long for your cartoon, I had Flannery send you another. It is the War & Peace one you mentioned.
Looking forward to the Pageant and thanks for the invite.
I need the number for your stylist.
I'm laughing too hard at your self-mockery to think of a good comment. You're so damn cute.
Scariest costume ever!
I do believe it was once a requirement for every Canadian kid to sport the Prince Valiant haircut.
You are a brave man Dale with an unparalleled coiff.
Great post!
The real "Fifth Beatle!"
Don't feel bad, I had the same haircut at one point. I might have even had that shirt.
you look just like my bro-in-law. Are you my bro-in-law?
The hair - it's back.
Do you have a leisure suit shot?
Thank you for solving the mystery Dr. Zibbs! Now get to work on that Mona Lisa chick.
Happy to oblige Pistols since usually it's you making me laugh hy-sterically.
Dig seems to have been the operative word there Barbara, excellent digging, in fact, I dig it!
Do it Flannery, you know you want to. Just take one down from the wall, or has Bill Gates come over personally to remove your walls?
I shall check it out Doctor, thanks.
Mais oui Michael, it's from his 'ow do you say?-- 'and me down collection.
It's great isn't it Allison? A real bookshelf? That sounds classy to me.
You're not snickering at me are you Jin? Hmph.
I bet you look fierce on many more nights of the year Wonderturtle you shy turtle you.
I knew you'd enjoy that CP, should I make it my Christmas card?
You're welcome Cap'n, scares are free!
Thanks for the extra cartoon Doc, awesome all over again! I got it last night by email. Your photos are excellent and I would never mention Dexy's Midnight Runners like everyone else, except here!
I think it's called a Number Two, Grant.
Exquisitely painful is how I describe it but thanks Katrocket.
You should go as me this year Dr. Monkey.
So I was just doing my civic duty Sean? That almost makes me feel better!
Not the Best, just the Fifth, Cormac.
You would have rocked it better than I Beckeye.
I don't think so GT but I could dress up as him if you'd like.
But what about the hair on my back Lori, is it back? I think I might have some leisure pants in a photo or two, I'll have to look now.
Is that a muscle shirt you are wearing? Because you're pretty buff, I gotta say!
Aw, so cute Dale. And your hairs are so SHINY!!!! :O)
I think the rippling is an illusion caused by the stripes Barbara but thank you for pretending along with me.
The shine is now courtesy of a lot of white highlights Mellowlee (grey sounds so old).
I might pass for the Hamburglar as played by Prince Valiant.
That is the funniest thing I've read all night.
I hope it wasn't just a slow night Chris, I want glory!! Thanks!
I think I had that same background for one of my school photos.
Beautiful --er-- I mean, so handsome!
(still laughing about "Ma Vie en Rose")
where can i get one of those shirts
It's very snazzy isn't it Kristi?
I think my sister and I had the same haircut DGuzman confusing everything for years.
Try Century 21 Distributorcap and if that doesn't work, you'll have to go further back in time.
You stud. You look so butch in that photo. Love it.
I've always been way butch Katie, haha.
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