It’s time for the Thanksgiving Day long weekend again here in Canadaland.
I am thankful
- that I got to see a Monarch butterfly land on the cab of a parked cement truck on a warm October day and then continue on its journey
- that I got to see a Monarch butterfly land on the cab of a parked cement truck on a warm October day and then continue on its journey
- that the cement truck was painted all in pink complete with a huge Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon
- that I don’t have to drive that truck
- that I can experience the wonders of the world from the comfort and safety of the great indoors via the BBC Series Planet Earth
- that you’re all there
- and that I don't look like this poor guy anymore (the surgery worked!)

Isn't Planet Earth brilliant?
Happy Thanksgiving, Dale!
Happy Thanksgiving dude - I hope you accomplish some serious eating!
And we are thankful for you. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Day!
Happy Thanksgiving to you also Dale! I wish you much happiness, peace, and lots of good eating.
I am thankful that the Canadian Immigration Authorities finally saw fit to let me be a legal resident of the country.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I would be thankful if the Canadians would even let me visit their country, but thanks to that little tequila shooter/backhoe incident, I am afraid they may not.
So what is Canadian Thanksgiving?? My girls did a unit on Canada last year-- didn't know yall had a Thanksgiving??
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Dale, Tina
I wish I lived in Canada. I'd love to have some turkey this weekend. Also, I'd like to pronounce the word "about" like "aboot".
That is all. Happy Thanksgiving.
Where are you spending your Canadian Thanksgiving, Dale?
I'm going to the lovely countryside of Quebec.
Were it not for the estimable Ms. Rocket, I wouldn't realize that Canada also had a Thanksgiving. I'm sure I'll forget that by slightly later today when I'm trying to remember how well Mike Lowell hits with men on third and two outs in odd-numbered innings.
I'm thankful that you're coming down my way again!
The series and the planet are both indeed brilliant Allison. I have the Blu Ray discs and I squeal through the whole program. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks PooBomber - I hope to seriously eat and drink and maybe even other stuff!
Thanks Dr. Monkey, I'm thankful for you too. Good luck getting cookies out of that dead lady!
We must be sharing a brain Skyler's Dad, all the same to you too!
You're not just imagining they let you in are you Imaginary Reviewer? Happy Thanksgiving!
You'll have to tell me more Jess and I'll see if I can get you off the hook, or the hoe.
Anonymous Tina - The Eskimos have more than one hundred words for Canadian Thanksgiving so you'll have to ask them, I have no idea. Thanks for the good wishes.
Are you saying you'd like to have me Suze? What's that all aboot?
Most of it will be spent in my head Tanya but there may be a quick jaunt to the Americas.
Ms. Rocket is a good ambassadoress for the country Pistols, keep her near. And, never forget!
Me too Beckeye! You'd better be on!
I thought your wattle and comb was quite festive.
Oh, and happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! I just LOVE this season....I'm guessing the leaves are already turning for you, we should have some serious colour here in Ohio in another week or so...
you just gotta love turkey day dale. happy thanksgiving and I hope you stuff yourself.
so much to be thankful for, where do I begin? :)
Happy North Of The Border Turkey Day!
You certainly seem to be surrounded by them at work, so hopefully the herd will be thinned out by Monday.
You're thankful that I am here, and not there with you? Is that what you are implying?
I am crushed. And I have been working on my turkey devouring manners and everything.
Have a happy thanksgiving, regardless, Dale!
Happy Thanksgiving! I didn't know it was so early in Canada. Is it because you're farther north?
Wow. When you looked like that, were you freezing? If so, I must commend you for your resolve. After all, nothing's harder than quitting cold turkey.
Happy Turkey weekend Dale!
Gobble gobble!
Why thank you Bubs! White or dark wattle for you?
The festival of colour has definitely begun Genn6 and it is pretty but it always takes me some time with the mourning of the passing of summer.
So you're telling me to get stuffed eh Princess? Hmph. You too!
If only I was in charge of the culling of the herd Cormac. After a nice long weekend (and ahem, I'm off the rest of the week too), I should be in fine form to ignore them all.
Barbara, don't be crushed, you don't need my big bag of bullshit. Have a nice Thanksgiving!
I'm not sure Esther, it might just be that we're bored and want something a little earlier. Thanks for the good wishes.
Cold as ice X. Dell but now I'm so slender and tender, nobody's bound to hunt me down. Cold turkey - hahaha!
You too Slaygirl, I hope it's festive and enjoyable for you.
That's what I plan to do Coaster Punchman. Why do you always make me feel dirty? :-)
Happy Thanksgiving ala Canadian style!
I'm ready for some turkey with all the fixin's and some football and some kids at my table...
Happy Turkey Day, Dale! Enjoy.
You mean you had that tufty-hairy thing removed from your chest?? Congrats!!
Happy Thanksgiving Dale!!! I've been asked to make a "tofurkey" for some of my non-squirrel herbivore friends. Please pray for me.
I am thankful I'm not having turkey this wk/end
But, what about the KBL? Are you thankful for her?
Happy Thanksgiving Dale and to all those Canadian blogging brethren of yours. Why is it that you guys do turkey too? Shouldn't it be like Molson's or something?
I hope you had a great TG weekend Dale!
VERY thankful we have you!
Yay for turkey! Yay I say! Yay!
Football at the table Bluez? Now that sounds like fun!
Thanks Les, hope you didn't work too hard that day!
Everything I do Cap'n, I do it for you (and the good of humankind).
I hope there'll be a post on this 'tofurkey' adventure Kat, it sounds dreadful.
Same here GT, I didn't have it either. Thanks for being like minded.
Only minimally thankful Leonesse, remember how she tried to poison me? Okay, I did get a blog post out of that too - yes, thankful.
We drink like turkeys, yes Chancelucky. You're wise to us.
Did just that Mel, I hope you did too.
Sweetness and light are only two of your delicious ingredients Beth.
Sorry to disappoint Chris, I skipped the turkey but next time I'll have enough for you too.
HAPPY belated THANKSGIVING! I hope you had a relaxing and fabulous long weekend of noshing and dishing.
It was excellent Katie, thank you very much!
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