*This message not intended for employees of A&W or their subsidiaries.

From the vault: my post entitled I Was A Teenaged A&W Cook. The horror! Oh, but there's royalty in the story too.
From the vault: my post entitled I Was A Teenaged A&W Cook. The horror! Oh, but there's royalty in the story too.
"Wow." That's all I can muster right now. WOW. :)
What the?
Admit it, Dale. You still have your A&W uniform and you wear it when no one can see, right? Happy Halloween!
opps - wrong fast food joint
OK: inestimable!
Now I want onion rings and a diet rootbeer! Happy Halloween Dale!!! XO
Wow, you met Chuck & Di! That is an awesome story. Truly a brush with greatness. I am so impressed - and jealous! I remember watching the wedding on tv and I still have the commemorative royal wedding mug that I picked up on a trip to London.
Sadly, I never worked in a fast-food restaurant, which means I have no marketable skills whatsoever.
Happy Halloween!
Or...what about an old Canada Trust teller? (your post does wonders in explaining why I always craved onion rings and root beer while working...)
Dale, say it ain't so...
...say it ain't so! Tell me you're not a secret "furry!"
I wonder what A&W employees wear on Hallowe'en? Maybe they dress up as MacDonald's employees, but they probably steer clear of the root beer.
Don't you have your own Halloween up there instead of borrowing ours? I mean, you have your own Thanksgiving and all.
Wow is usually good but I'll wait and see if you muster anything else later Elizabeth.
Exactly Dr. Zibbs, wt....!
I'm wearing it right now Chris, it feels so scratchy and good.
A Dilly Bar would be good right now Gifted Typist!
Pick me up some too Mel!
If you ever open a diner Esther, I'm your grill man! If only I had gotten through to Di, I might have changed the course of history, or served her a burger.
I loved it when they used to have their 'Johnny Cash' ATMs Baroness. Let's go eat.
Of my many secrets Cormac, being a secret furry is not one of them. I'm still trying to figure out what a furry is.
I think they just wear casual clothes Barbara so they can't be picked out of a line up.
We do have our own but we somehow scheduled it on your timetable CP, how rude of us!
Never, never orange for my pasty whiteness.
You'd like nice in the A&W hat though I'll bet Lori!
You won't catch me dead in orange, even on Halloween.
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