A colleague who sits across from me wanted to make light of the fact that a lot of people had been stopping by his desk to chat, gossip or ask for advice. He settled on putting up a sign that read
"The psychiatrist is in - 5 cents".
The problem with his sign was that it actually read
The problem with his sign was that it actually read
“The physiciatrist is in - 5 cents".
The sign I placed underneath it constitutes a good deed in my humble estimation. It reads
"The spelling bee champion is next door - no charge".
You rule!
Hah! Well done, sir. Reminds me of a gang member years ago, who had a custom airbrushed tee shirt made with his gang colors, and on the shirt it also said "chief enfrocer"
Whether the thug specified the spelling and the tee shirt vendor was too scared to correct him, or the tee shirt artist was the dummy, we never found out.
High five!
Well done, you!
Good going Dale, that is so much better than going with a Kreskin/Miss Cleo joke.
Maybe a "physiciatrist" is one of those New-Age, Mind-Body-Soul" doctors. He'll heal your phsyche (did I spell that right?) by telling you not to eat the burrito for breakfast...
Dude may be a good speller, he just doesn't know when to stop adding syllables.
You rule and you are so generous, giving of yourself like that!
Ahahah! Excellent.
My brother claims there was a guy in the army with him who had a tattoo that read:
Kung Fu Fihgting
Ha ha ha! You BITCH! It's awesome.
My favourite sign is on my local garage on the vacuum cleaner hire thing that reads, "Loonies Only".
HEEEE!!!! Is that only funny to ME?
hahaha! that's hilarious. you're such a clever guy.
A physiciatrist treats mental properties of the human body. Say, for example, that rubbing a certain ointment on your arm makes it smart. A physiciatrist could subsequently estimate it's IQ.
Actually, I'm saddened to hear that spelling bee champs don't make as much as they used to.
That's funny.
I guess we're all under your spell.
hahahaha! That made me LOL and stuff. My god, I wish I worked in your office.
So that's it: spelling is the really Passion of the Dale
I laughed out loud when I read this. And there was no one there to listen but the cats. (Hi Rizzo!)
1973 3rd grade spelling champ and proud.
You're awesome. But I think you and I should have a spell-off. Anything to get you back in NYC and in my clutches again, my pretty.
now can you pick up the football
As a rule, I don't Flannery but this time, yes, I do.
I love that Bbus, er, Bubs!
Thank you Sklyer's Dad, DG and Allison!
I went with my instinct Cormac.
You could be on to something Les. Wait, no, you're not.
He's an interesting drinker, I mean, man Barbara.
Always with the giving, that's me Esther.
That's pretty awesome Tanya. I wonder if his claim was true?
Back at you Cap'n. :}
It's funny to me toonie VegAss.
Just a reasonably good speller Princess, it makes me feel superior.
I deserve a raise X. Dell, no question.
It is Suze, it is!
Hahahaha, thank you Chancelucky.
No you don't Katrocket, this is the funniest thing that's happened there in months.
It's one of them GT, it doesn't take much to get me all fired up.
Wonderturtle! Hello! Thanks!
Rizzo says hi CP!
I was 'it' in 6th Grade Tenacious S. We should have some sort of meeting.
Oh to be clutched by you again Beckeye! We'll have a match the next time I make it there and if I can make it there...
I only fall for the same thing two to three times DCap so yes, I'll get the football.
Say it over and over Wendy B!
now that's goddamned funny - I don't care who you are!
Thank you Keith, I don't care who I am either! :-)
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