Birds chirp on their way past while squirrels rustle through walnut trees. Traffic hum and a tucked away air conditioning unit barely register. It's quiet here with me.

As quickly as peace sets in, war breaks out. Rat-a-tat-tat shrieking bursts from the windows next door as an Indian lady ensures the future hearing loss of her children and husband.
My only release is in the sound of the cap as it twists from a bottle of beer. By the four arms of Vishnu, it must be noon somewhere.

What is it with you and cranky Asian ladies?
...You're like a magnet for them.
Flann's right. Trouble seems to find you wherever you go.
Thank goodness you've got the Beer Cure, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle.
It's the tapestry here I guess Flannery. I keep hoping for more run ins with the Russians but that's usually just in transit!
Thankfully it's just the kind of trouble I can handle Some Guy.
That's Mr. Piggle Wiggle to you Lisa!
I just realized that your move means no more Honeypot. You better start hanging out at Wal-Mart if you want good blog fodder.
You might be right, a new target is always nice.
I have found that whenever I move into a new place a couple of early morning warning shots usually keep the neighbors quiet.
No more "Honey?"
Crap, I'll forever miss "The Adventures of Honeypot."
I'm pretty sure I want to live next door to you Skyler's Dad. Wait a minute, I'm not so sure. Let me think about this.
She'll live on in my memory and maybe even yours Cormac. There may be a story or two I haven't told, I'll just have to think of them. Could be a while.
My motto entirely my dear boy. Plus what if you work NIGHTS huh? Your day's all screwed up. 8am might be 5pm to you. Beer is good anytime (I imagine)
Welcome back. Notice out of everything I focused on the beer.
Time for rehab I fear. Hi!
With two anonymous comments, do you get egg roll?
Beer is made with vegetables isn't it Miss Assassin? Doesn't matter, I'm drinking it anyway! Great to see you too!
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