After Grant Miller left me a cryptic message in the snow yesterday, I puzzled over just how powerful this character might be.
He quickly realized I was on to him and conspired with the elements once more to remove any evidence he'd been there. As my camera was nearby, I have at least some evidence left to study. Grant works in mysterious ways.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I think I see a Blessed Virgin Mary in a Bunny suit? Yes?
Got to run honey, paint is drying as we speak, and I hate to miss a damn thing.
He's the devil I tell you!
It's witchcraft obviously. I suggest burning everyone at a stake in a 12 mile vicinity just to be safe...
I think he's trying to show you the image of Jesus in the snow???
Yanno I hadn't even gotten over laughing from the last post then I see this.
You're too funny Dale. Don't trip over the snow.
I think he erased it.
At least the snow and the message weren't yellow.
This is the best mystery since "Why does seeing Johnny's body in the gym showers make me tingle down there?" in high school.
She's everywhere that Mary. Let me know if it dried lighter or darker Fran.
I believe in what you say Suze.
The thought warms me VE.
Is that Jesus but as a fish? It looks like a fish to me with disappearing bait Genn.
I'm careful not to walk in it Bluez, just one more great thing about being a shut in.
Grant giveth and Grant taketh away Old Lady.
Small mercies Chancelucky, that's how I get by.
Isn't that one of the books Grant wrote Pistols?
I'm working my through all my blogroll to let you know that, due to the useless of both blogger and my server, the url no longer works.
For some reason the only address that's working is
Hey, I thought I was the only one who got spam. I thought I was special.
Anyway, I'm reminded of a Frank Zappa tune. To paraphrase, I wouldn't eat off hat deck, if I were you.
What the heck are you doing, Dale? Isn't Honeypot or the Korean bagel lady up to any shenanigans these days? This is what you've come to?
Was that somebody peeing?
Witch! Witch!
You're so Freelance-y these days Mr. Guru. I'll follow you around until you settle somewhere.
You're special just like everyone else X. Dell. No worries, I cook on it but refuse to eat off it.
And now the end is near...sad isn't it Beckeye? Melting snow, I mean really!
It was snow melting in the sun and rather quickly Mr. Punchman.
I yam what I yam Tenacious S.
Barb! How the hell are ya?! Oh, wrong Barb.
I don't know ...
Oh, drying paint, I thought you said snif-- uh, never mind.
Nothing's better than sniffing paint Chance!
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