Today I had to wear a suit to work for a job interview that I'm pretty sure I sucked at. The best part walking among the sloppy dressers was the comments: Oh! Look at you! You must have a job interview! and Going to a funeral?
My favourite remark came from Mr. Korean Bagel Lady who was co-minding the bagel joint today. You look one year younger dressed up. You're 45 right? When I replied I'm 44, he cackled his Oh, sorry! and sent me on my way.
Actually, it looks to me like you still have some room to pull those trousers up before you hit the armpits...
I think your coloring could pull off that suit quite well.
Hope you get the job. I'm about to head into the same mode ...
It's a Dalesploitation suit.
Men always look good in hats. Mr. and Mrs. Bagel Lady must stay up nights thinking of rude comments to say to you. Poor Dale!
People might think you're some kind of moocher.
Leave it to the snappy comments from the Korean bagel personnel to put you in your place.
You look like you have a real good tan.
You? Gangsta lean?
Either the KBL is a spy for her former country, or you have a Judas feeding her info, because she's in your head with her snark.
BTW, nice to you see you bringing back the zoot suit. You're hep, cat! Real cool! Solid, Jackson! In like Flynn, Daddy-o!
Your ass looks fat in that suit.
You still got the hotness..
The words that made me laugh in this post: "Mr. Korean Bagel Lady."
I'm still laughing as I type this.
You don't look old. You look bold. And gold. When were you paroled?
That outfit is funky fresh for 1988. I would like to be an extra at the pool party in the movie they make about your life.
Start wearing the suit more often, but keep telling everyone that you're not at liberty to discuss the court case, it'll drive 'em crazy.
But your are definitely a hoochie coocher!
Wow. A suit that makes you a whole year younger and older all at once!
The world we live in...
Dale, you are IN! You've got Mr KBL giving you fashion tips, next he'll be taking you shopping. Please say you'll go, please please!
And we expect you to be live blogging the experience.
I tagged you Dale.
I hate tucking all that armpit hair into the pants though VE, there's gotta be a better way.
As long as I stay in the lines, I guess the colouring works Beth! Good luck with your mode.
I'll probably get the Shaft for sure now Gifted Typist.
They're just born naturals and now naturalized for my pleasure Suze.
Just don't call me Mini Beckeye.
They get me on a daily basis Pezda's Ghost but some day, victory will be mine.
It's from all the snow Lori.
You should see what I wear to funerals X. Dell.
Their favourite song is probably "I'm In You" Write Procrasinator. Glad you like the duds. Ay Te Miro!
I knew someone would finally tell me the truth, thank you Bluez.
How is it that you Winter make me feel summery?
You laugh, I win Valerie!
Right after I told, Falwless.
You're in Pistols, your credit will be 'blogger at pool party'.
I'll just let Jackie Chiles do the real talking for me Mob.
A hoochie coocher. That's good right Old Lady?
I fought the suit but the suit won Freelance Guru.
He's tried to get me talking about religion but if he lays off that Barbara, I'll agree to almost anything, sort of like how I'll blog about almost anything.
How very dare you Suze! I'll check it out soon.
Do they have How To Insult Your Customers classes in Korea?
I think that suit was a good choice. It says "Look at me, man. I need a better job."
good luck Dale!
is that suit made of PVC plastic, like an old-time kid's halloween costume??
We just have this connection, tell me you feel it too!
Yellow suits are classy.
In that suit, I figure the former governor of New York would hire you or at least contract for your services.
Good luck with the job interview...I find I never know about these things.
I could definitely see you wearing that suit to a funeral, Dale.
They seem to have them everywhere Leonesse and it's a growing field!
It says many things Katrocket, to me, about me, for me.
Yes Cap'n. It came with a bag of oily rags and a lighter as well.
I can feel it Winter. Say you, say me.
All about the classy Grant but you knew that.
Job interviews suck Chancelucky and sometimes they really put you through the ringer. Maybe it'd be better to quit and apply from the outside.
As long as it's not my own Creepy, I hear you.
Do what my brother's loser friend did...bring a girlfriend to the interview with you and have her sit on your lap. Not kidding.
I'll need to hear more about this CP. Perhaps you can relay it through Tanya who somehow is in NY when I'm not?!
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