I've always enjoyed the way Google plays around with the masthead on their web page. By replacing one or more letters with an object that fills in for the letter, they keep things interesting.

When other corporations go for an effect like this, it doesn't always hit the mark. The bank I use, Scotiabank, is sponsoring the AIDS Walk For Life in September and has advertising all over town.
Someone had the idea to try and tie the red AIDS ribbon we're all familiar with into the bank's logo. I may be the only one who sees it this way but that second 'a' in their logo now looks more like an 'o' if you ask me.

All I see now is Scotiabonk AIDS Walk For Life! Oh my.
Its too late here, and without my glasses, I forgot about the French and was trying to read straight across. Now that's all I see. Time for bed.
Yes, unfortunate use of typography there. Scotiabonk is going to be etched in my brain forever. Luckily we don't have that bonk over here.
What the balls? It can't be a placeholder for an A and a Q. Don't they know anything about cryptograms? Or common sense?
"What the balls?" - Beckeye? Really? How did I never hear that before? I'm only using that now. Do I have to give you credit? I do? What the balls?
Stupid scotiabonk.
Yeah, it should have been a placeholder for the "Q".. wait, WHAT "Q"?! ScotiaBanQ?!
You're right - now every time I pass the place, I'm gonna laugh out loud and say, "ScotiaBonk!" Like people don't already think I'm weird?
I read it as Scotiaboink. Damn, I really need to get my eyes checked.
I enjoy those google mastheads too. Yep, def looks like bonk to me as well.
Bonkety bonk bonk bonk!
Are ribbons the new umlaut? I'll have to use the ribbon symbol for my new band's name... hmmm.... Bönqers
"The walk will do us good" it says? Does that mean the bonk afterwards, "will do us better?"
Well...bonking can lead to Aids if unprotected...
Very forced.
I'm with Suzel. I saw "ScotiaBoink."
Is that a dungeness crab pole vaulting over the L in google?
Wise ass. Ha!
It does look like an "O". You're right. I wonder who handles their advertising, they've overly ribboned. A tasteful ribbon at the end of their name would've done the trick, no?!
PS: You are a KICK ASS BLOGGER. I deemed it so. Check it out.
That sounds dirty. I like it.
Tanya - You don't have to credit me. Every time someone uses the phrase "What the balls," an angel gives me a quarter.
Hmmm, that is a problem. But I like the Google mastheads, too. They're very clever. I wonder if it's someone's job to spend all day thinking them up?
So just the word bonk gets you in the mood then does it Allison? Off to bed with you!
I'll send one right over to you then PJ, I don't want you going without.
There was no common sense applied in this case Beckeye. They probably have openings in their advertising department though, unless they've been ribboned over already.
Holy fuck balls Tanya, you learn something new every other day or so don't you?
There is that q in banque at the bottom there Les, isn't it all just too much?
Boinking too much makes you go blind Suze, you're living unseeing proof.
It's just bonkers huh Mel?
Sounds like fun Fran.
Echo and the Bonkers just doesn't look as umlauty good does it?
I wonder if the walk is as hard as the bonking after Cormac?
Yes! I was waiting for that VE and wondered who would say it. Thank you.
Forced bonking is a no no Dr. Zibbs.
You wear glasses already though don't you Chris? I'd suggest a check up or if you go to the bonk, a cheque up.
Why I believe you're right Barbara, no trouble with your seeing eye blogging.
I agree it would have been enough Katie. Thanks so much for the kickassery, you're the real Kick Ass though!
I'm all about the dirty Coaster Punchman.
A angel with no balls I'm guessing Beckeye.
Imagine all the free time if you thought up twenty or thirty in one day Esther? It may not be the highest paying job at Google.
one can get AIDS from unprotected bonking though.
I don't see anything wrong with the ribbon. In fact, I've been doing business with bonks for years.
Exactly what I thought Chancelucky, I was horrified and then I laughed.
I'm staying away from 'old oak tree' jokes right now X. Dell even though I'm tempted.
Aaaaaah Dale - this is hilarious, because I was with a friend on the subway yesterday and she said "WTF is Scotiabonk?" to which she added "designers are fucking idiots."
And because I happen to be an awesome designer, I let her bitchy little comment go. :)
Clearly, not all designers are idiots especially you Kat, but why did you make it a bonk like that?
Scotiabonk :|
I know! Isn't it the worst, Abhisheq?
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