In case you missed it in the comments a few posts back, after I rattled on about
Honeypot's balancing act getting into her dee-luxe above ground pool with a smoke and a drink, the talented
Sans Pantaloons came to my rescue and sent a link to this picture he did. Click on it for a more glorious effect.

If I ever write a book Sans, I hope you'll be there to help illustrate it.
LMAO...that's great.
Give her a kiss and a Marlboro (or 12) for me.
Frankly I am still thinking of what you referred to on Katie's blog as your "Chrysler sized cock."
That is not about compression, at all!
Lol! However, given your description of her, this is a rather flattering depiction.
Sans did such a great job of encapsulating the relationship betweent the two of you in just one panel...simply amazing.
Maybe a nice swimming suit skirt wouldn't make her look so bad...
Never thought I'd say this but... I love the expression on the diving board's "face."
That is funny right there.
Hey, where did you get the picture of me? ... oh wait a minute, my Honeypot tattoo is on my arm, not my thigh ... never mind
Oh, and I can hear that board a-creakin', too...
The lip-stained cigarette makes it.
I especially like how the toes are hanging over the edge.
I have a little prezzie for you at my blog. It does not involve Kathy Griffin.
Wow! That is talent
That is AWESOME!!! :O)
Careful with that kind of love Zombie or you'll end up soaking in it.
I try to be modest Fran, honest I do.
It is indeed, she's much prettier in Sans' creation X. Dell.
He's some kind of wonderful isn't he Cormac B?
Any extra yardage would help I'm sure Lori.
It really says it all doesn't it Patrick?
Funny with a capital eff Leonesse.
And yours is spelled differently too Barbara.
It sings too Les - "I hear the pain a comin'"
Like the stain in my life that she is, it just works Falwless.
She could use a good pedicurist Allison but it's part of her charm.
You're the best Fran. I won in the 'size matters' sweepstakes didn't I?
He's rawther brilliant GT.
Awesome like your hair Mellowlee!
Great picture Sans!
My thanks to Dale and all for your kindness.
You talking to me Chancelucky? What I meant to say was 'you talking to him'?
You're a superstar Sans!
I have a honeypot tatoo and it is "near" my thigh. Sigh.
Photos next time please Melody.
fucking hysterical! I love that image. now tell me, when are you going to post pickys of honeypot? I am dying to see this broad.
She's like Bigfoot Katie, all the footage is grainy and weird.
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