I felt so powerful. I'd just finished saying "I'd rather shoot myself in the face than have to see another pile of stupid friggin' poinsettias!" and now here was a bulletin telling me I mattered.
It was quickly brought to my attention that the very serious reaction alluded to had naught to do with me but a near fatal allergic reaction someone in the building had last year.
I've made peace with the fact that if someone has to nearly die for me to get what I want, I can live with that. It is the season of giving after all.
Do you like this co-worker?
Hmm...I wonder if this allergy is very common.
Oh My God, the dreaded poinsettia's affliction is horrible! next will be fruit baskets, both contain latex. You better be careful when you wear that plastic Santa face this Christmas Dale, NO LATEX!
I have been known to have very serious reactions to overplayed Christmas tunes. It ain't pretty...
Did they tell the employees not to chew on the leaves?
Well, as long as you benefit from it, that's all that matters.
Wow, you work with nice employees. My work? They would've just fired me.
Hahaha, luckily I don't know here MichaelG but I do like the evil behind the comment.
I don't think it is Allison but that may be just because I hadn't heard of it before. She was pretty much housebound last Christmas because of the dearth of poinsettias everywhere you go.
What about the bodyhugging latex Mrs. Claus suit you wore last year Bluez? You can still wear that right?
I share the affliction Skyler's Dad. If you ever want to go on a rampage, give me a call.
Yes Barbara, it's all about me yet again, thankfully a new year fast approaches so maybe someone else will get a turn? I doubt it.
Come and work with me Suze, we'll be unstoppable and unfireable.
A poinsettia allergy must be the lamest fatal allergy someone can have. People with peanut allergies probably pick on people with poinsettia allergies.
Seriously, "allergic to poinsettias?" Were they trying to smoke them?
I'm pretty indifferent when it comes to poinsettias, but for some reason this post cracked my ass up!
Barbara stole my comment. I'm gonna go jam a poinsettia up her kringle hole.
bummer - i was gonna send u a plant
Poinsettas suck. I'm glad that's finally getting some official recognition.
I'm allergic to baby's breath (the floral filler, not the thing that keeps infants alive), so I just don't rub my face in it.
Problem solved.
Did the employee get into them when they were used to decorate a Christmas buffet? I mean, how else does one almost die via houseplant?
I love Poinsettias. But, do you really need to have one at work?
Pointsettias remind me of old women.
I knew we were separated at birth..I hate those damned things too. My reward at my neighborhood grocer..was to send me a letter stating that I could pick up a free p next time I came in. I asked for a substitution, even a tumbleweed would've been better.
You so funny.
lmao! I am boycotting them too... For me, its the fact that I cant just trash a live plant after the 1st of the year(guilt pangs and all) so I hang on to half dead ones until, idk say April, when its ever sooooo close to them being able to survive alone outside.... but NOooooooo they die just then! Ugggggg!!! I am going with evergreen clippings. Its considered pruning, so good for the plants now and composting later! Its a win-win. I like that!
Awww, Dale, why you hate on the poinsetta? It's the only thing about Christmas that doesn't require work, mental tolerance or spending lots of money.
Ha! That were funny. My friend Lex and I have a running joke about that plant. He had a fling with a massage therapist who was barely literate, and when he gave Lex his card Lex pointed out that he had misspelled "poinsettia" - he spelled it "pointsettia." We giggle like schoolgirls every time we recall the story. Good times.
Oh, and pointsettias are poisonous to cats, so Rizzo is in luck that you hate them with such a passion.
Should I admit that I actually have one in the house? I was reading up on them and they're not as poisonous as everyone says but just the same, I've got my one good eye on Rizzo.
I too have a serious poinsetta allergy.
Not to mention my allergies to giant plastic candy canes, inflatable Santas, and lights on peoples' houses in February.
Nobody's sending out bulletins for MOI!
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