
Backyard Antics and Oscar Predictions

There appears to be a rabbit with an identity crisis using my backyard to work out his problems. His tracks look pretty Mickey Mouse to me. Click to enlarge.
In other backyard news, Honeypot was out in hers for a while heating things up with some geezer. At least this time, they were building a fire and not engaged in a grotesque hump-fest like that other time.

My prediction for the Oscar telecast tonight is that I'll watch an hour and a bit before giving up.


Tanya Espanya said...

I'm thinking of doing some live blogging while watching the Oscars. Why don't you do it too?

Julia Phillips Smith said...

At least you'll see the red carpet.

Gifted Typist said...

my prediction is that I will drv it and then ff through the boring bits to get to the good bits tomorrow night. Didn't it used to be on Monday night?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

You should stop leaving PCP out for the rabbits. Seriously.

I predict that I will drink a milkshake during the Oscars. And stick around if Jon Stewart is funny. Or if somebody looks ready for a meltdown.

Allison said...

Definitely look like Micky Mouse ears. Ah, I'm sad there are no shenanigans from Honeypot to report.

Well, the first hour is usually the best anyway. I hope Jon Stewart's monologue is good.

BeckEye said...

I might watch just to see some ugly dresses. I'm kind of boycotting the Oscars since they snubbed Eddie Vedder for best original song.

Anonymous said...

Well then I'll wave to you from the red carpet since you'll be watching the first hour. I'm in the "Best Non-Animated Foreign Blogger" category.

Hey, a Honeypot post. Tomorrow bagel lady?

Creepy said...

Be vewy, vewy qwiet.

chelene said...

I'd be more concerned with those larger tracks to the left! Between the rabbit, the whatever left those large tracks and Honeypot it's like National Geographic back there.

WendyB said...

It's wabbit season!

Writeprocrastinator said...

Those aren't rabbit tracks at all. Look carefully, those are the tracks of the Four-toed Elvii Conductor.

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

crazy rabbit.

i made it thru the entire oscars. of course, i have a time zone advantage.

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

rabbit looks more like a Bugs Bunny Move-- hop-hop-hop, crash into tree and rik-o-shay off at 90 degrees.

paperback reader said...

I think your prediction was spot on. I tend to think, "Oh, it's the Oscars," and then continue my life without letting that knowledge change what I was doing in the least.

Chancelucky said...

I saw about 15 minutes, mostly the bit where that nice Czech lady who was accepting for best sound got cut off by the band and they let her come back to finish her speech.

Dale said...

Absolutely, I'd love to Tanya! Oh wait, no I wouldn't. But your wrap up was mucho entertaining (I almost wrote nacho entertaining).

Honeypot's red carpet Julia? Hahaha.

I can't figure out why they don't have it on Saturday GT? I pvr'd it but have no intention of even ffing my through after the first hour I saw.

More meltdowns, that's what we needed Barbara, or at least having Renee Zellweger fall, that might have been fun. How was the shake?

Jon was more entertaining than Honeypot was Allison, that's for sure.

I was a bit shocked at that too Beckeye considering the raves for the both the film and soundtrack. But to make up for it, they nominated every ray of sunshine from that Enchanted movie. Ugh.

Loved what you did from the carpet Suze. You win everything!

Haha, I was Creepy but something wasn't judging by the skirmish in the snow on one side there.

Exactly Chelene and I didn't even post photos of the blue jay squawking at me, 101 squirrels and the cardinal singing away in the tree.

Feeling lucky? Or hungry Wendy B? I could fix you a little something.

That'd give me a good reason to get a gun WP. I was being vewy vewy quiet and thought Elvis had retired but he was just on vacation for several weeks and has gotten progressively talkative since the return.

That's stamina 668, maybe even courage.

Or maybe Daffy dressed as Bugs, Cap'n E.

I admire your 'will not' attitude Pistols.

Letting a Czech Finnish, now that's something Chancelucky!

X. Dell said...

My prediction wasn't quite so brave. I couldn't stick out that show for an hour.

Sounds as though by building a fire Honeypot and friend were making a little less heat than usual.

Sans Pantaloons said...

I wood have thought squirrel.

Dale said...

Good for you X. Dell, your life has been enriched for missing it I'm sure. Hmm, something about Honeypot and Deadwood.

They're everywhere the little varmints but I can only blame them for so much Sans.

Coaster Punchman said...

No sh*t, these Oscars were boring at sh*t.

Dale said...

Sh*t sh*t and more sh*t CP, I agree.