This first bit I saw on Allison's blog and it kept me laughing through the day yesterday. It's from a show called The F Word with Gordon Ramsay. Ricky Gervais is the guest diner.
Why can't North American chat shows be more like The Graham Norton Show? I first heard of him on Melinda June's blog and I believe Gifted Typist has mentioned him as well. I think he was featured on the Kathy Griffin D-List episode when she went to London too. I've seen two episodes on BBC Canada but it only took one to hook me.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Ah Graham Norton. And Ricky G.
Check out Jonathan Ross's Friday Night with Jonathan Ross too. He takes the piss out of celebs no matter how big their egos.
It's true Dale, once you go Brit humour, everything else seems slow and a little bit lame.
The good news is that they've cancelled Air Farce.
Oh that's right, you were pushing Jonathan Ross that time Ms. Typist.
I love Ricky G and it was nice to see Ramsay not just blustering around for a change too. Norton's got me snortin' - sorry.
When I read about the Air Farce, sadly, I felt no sadness. I did go to a taping once although I'm not sure why.
I just finished watching an episode of Top Gear as well with Michael Gambon as the guest and he was just hysterical. Cheeky Brits!
Farting brings us all together. If those aren't words of wisdom, I don't know what are.
I love Brit tv as well, and don't even get me started on Colin and Justin!
They should have cancelled Air Farce 20 years ago.
Thanks for the laugh, Dale. As usual, you fail to disappoint.
What the hell is Air Farce? Is it Canadian?
Graham Norton loses it somewhat after the 50,000 time of seeing his shows however... There's only so many times you can laugh at the fact that his gay...
While both videos were very funny, I must say that the Gordon Ramsey/Ricky Gervais one had me screaming.
I may have to nick that one for my own blog today Dale. All credit will be duly given!!
Inspiration comes from many sources and you are one of two this morning.
Thank you Dale!
I saw another post at another blog and put the video with something from there, with hilarious (IMHO)results!
I feel so close to you right now Barbara, haha. Air Farce has been smelling bad for quite a while, not like us!
Glad to help Flannery. Air Farce is a long running Canadian comedy series that began on radio and perhaps should have stayed there instead of making the leap to tv.
The thing I like about the show Freelance Guru is it's structured much more loosely than talk shows here which all follow a cookie cutter hard sell format. Graham's funny but I like that there's the liberty to say something like 'shit' or 'fart' on the air without a formal inquiry being launched as it would be here. The guests are generally entertaining and you'd never see them bring a couple of them out at a time on our shows.
It made me laugh pretty hard too Fran and kept me going. I'm glad you've stolen it and made something even more entertaining from it. Hilarious post.
So, you stayed in by the telly although the room was smelly?
Sigh. That's all I've got.
First Canadians want American TV. Now the BBC. Good God man, when will it end?
Its funny I watched more British tv while living in Canada than I do now (not having a tv may have something to do with that). Its an infectious type of humour, for sure. Thank goodness for YouTube!
God Bless Ricky. I'm totally craving cock soup now.
I love British TV. I wish BBC America would play more of it rather then repeating Dancing with the Z List Celebs You Could Have Sworn Were Dead.
I'm lost without my favorite BBC America shows... like Top Gear!
Those English...they think they are soooo superior! Damn, I stole that from Fish Called Wanda...and even that's a British humor movie.
Graham Norton is about 1/3rd as funny as I'd hoped, but that Ricky Gervais is funny enough for him as well.
Those people on the television shows said funny things in amusing ways.
I love Britcoms! They're re-running The Vicar of Dibley hereabouts, which makes me happy.
I own the smell Beckeye, plus I'm too lazy to leave the room.
We want it all and we want it now Suze. You coming?
Thank goodness for YouTube and you Allison, I'm far too lazy to have found that on my own.
And God bless you Katrocket, almost as funny as Ricky. When are you getting your own show?
They've got their own way to rock Dr. Monkey and I'm a fan. Most of the 'celebrities' on the dancing show are dead, they've just got awesome publicists.
Top Gear is an excellent show MinijonB and I couldn't care less about cars. That's entertainment. I just saw Michael Gambon take on 'Gambon Corner' again and nearly roll the car again, loved it. I hear there's a new season headed our way.
You don't see them naming their bodies of water things like Lake Superior in a sad bid for the title do you VE?
Graham's funny but I just like the format more than anything Pistols, bring the guests on all at once and sit around making me laugh rather than selling the crap out of some straight to dvd schlock movie. Ricky makes up for a lot of things though you're right.
The Vicar of Dibley's a great show, I've seen them all Chris. Dawn French just has to show up and I laugh.
I remember the weekend I got all the Office disc and watched each episode one after another like a crack head. Ricky G is freaking hysterical.
I was the same way when The Office first came out. And then I watched it all again. He cracks me up Bluez.
They used to play Graham Norton on Comedy Central down this away.
Psst- I just wanted to let you know that I finally started writing about Iceland....5 months late. do you think Bjork will forgive my procrastination?
So refreshing.
Where you been, Dale--the frozen north? How is it that you're just now becoming aware of Graham Norton's brilliance?
Me, I'm trying to wade through all of "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" on dvd and though I occasionally laugh out loud, mostly I think, "The fact that these characters are based on real people is why, from time to time, the rest of the world HATE the British."
What do you think of "Father Ted"?
To answer your question. I think it has something to do with American tv being run by the sponsors with most of our shows essentially becoming giant product placements.
We just don't have space to make fun of brand name candy bars, tease chefs about killing real animals, etc.
It was pretty funny stuff. I'd never heard of the guy.
Did I tell you about the time I watched the entire "Office" series (a la Ricky, not Steve) in two days? No? Well, now you can go on living.
Both were funny, but the innocence of that lady's remarks was just true comedy.
I believe they broacast Graham Norton's show on the Logo network. I know I've seen it, and enjoyed the heck out of it every time.
hahaha! Excellent! Spunk vodka..umm...I think I shall pass on that one
I finally got my guitar Dale...and it's PINK! Not quite ready to join the Donnas yet though!
But did you watch Grant Miller? Enquiring minds...
Missy, Bjork is gonna kick your ass and you know she can!
Like a summer's breeze or a moist towelette Old Lady, yes!
My brain has been frozen along with the tundra Holly. I know about Father Ted but I've never watched it. I have seen some Yes Minister though and smirked a few times.
We need to lighten up more Chancelucky. My biggest fear is that they will let Adam Carolla host an American version of Top Gear, an excellent British show about cars. I couldn't care less about the cars but the show is excellent and entertaining.
I did the same thing with The Office and several other serieseseses Coaster Punchman. Now you can get back to your parasailing.
She was pretty funny through the whole interview X. Dell and that wasn't the only time she talked about the lavatory.
The Logo Network is something else I've not heard of Beth although we do get your Peachtree channel here, I always think of you when I switch it on for Family Guy and Seinfeld while I'm eating.
That's great Mellowlee, I bet tonight you're gonna stay out until 5 o'clock in the morning! Rock on, don't forget to dedicate a tune to us.
I am checking that out. Unrelated note, kind of, sort of, ish?! Have you ever seen "The Diary of Adrian Mole?"
I haven't seen it Jewgirl but I read the first book and I think the second. Worthwhile?
The thing I like about the show Freelance Guru is it's structured much more loosely than talk shows.
You know Sanjay, I think you're on to something there. The Guru is loose!
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