My recent trip to London included memorable encounters, educational components, and more dessert and booze than I'd expected. Distilling
booze my memories down to blog sized bites is not easy as I'm still digesting myself but I will say I had a wonderful time and would go back in a minute. Or on a 7 hour flight.
An early highlight was meeting up with
MJ and CP. As expected and known, they're funny, charming and international treasures. We spent a few hours together before they headed for France. It's always the French.
Here they are pictured walking one exhausted Dale from the grounds of Kensington Palace to an even more sacred British landmark, the local pub. See how pretty we all are? 
For reference purposes: I am not the one in the red boots. I am also not the one carrying the bag. My bee outfit? Confiscated at the airport and handed back to me for the return trip.
There was much walking, touring and riding around in black cabs.

There was also much taking in of wonderful museums, architecture, history, food, shopping and people. The hotel was excellent for those few moments when things slowed down and ah yes, the shows.
Jessica Lange in The Glass Menagerie,
Dame Maggie Smith in The Lady from Dubuque and 2 comic operas at the
Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, one with
Bryn Terfel, each amazing in its own way.
To prove just how highbrow I can be, you should know that this photo had to be taken several times before John got it right and she cleared my head. This exercise in buffoonery actually drew a bit of a crowd (I had to bend my knees quite a bit or it would have been an ear full of toes). Snap the damned picture already!
I love a buffoon!
Now that you've been to England, I just don't get your humor.
Look how cute you are with your flying ballerina cap! Next time you are in London you've got to reinact that shot with the Queen.
Nice pics! And of course it drew a crowd, Dale. It's not everyday you see a woman with a man's head between her legs on a public street.
Aren't you hot!
Daley, you don't look like a blogger at all.
(that's a compliment, btw)
Glad you had fun!
what does reese's comment mean?
anyway, glad to hear you had a great time. I love the pic of you beneath the ballerina's vajayjay.
I hope you did get your Bumble Bee outfit back, I'm still imagining you wearing it. :)
I could imagine your stinger would be a problem at customs. I have heard of an asshat before, but man, that "vajayjay" hat takes the cake.
Your head up the ballerina's particular steals the thunder from our backside pics. No fair.
Have I complained lately that London is too damn expensive? What, you're tired of that already?
Wow, I was in the UK for two semesters, and no women flew over my head. You're a real gentleman. You didn't even look up.
London's a great city for art and museums. You can spend a lifetime rummaging through the V&A, and another at Leicester Square.
Looks like you had a great time with two fellow bloggers. Very cool.
That gang of kids in the first picture look like they are up to no good, especially the one in the middle...
Yes Tanya, we all know your husband.
No matter what anyone else's comment is Beckeye, that's the funniest thing I've read in a week. Only you spelled humour wrong. Love, Dale.
And if she starts to crown Barbara?
I did it for art Chelene.
If you're into old fat guys Flannery, I'm your man!
It was a blast Reese. I was just discussing your blog name today with someone because I love it. My kingdom for a Witherfork.
I had a feeling the Bee was doing it for you Valerie. Glad you liked the photo. I think Reese is referring to my ballet moves. That's me, not that old guy under me.
It also takes the pie Fearless!
I can't even begin to address your concerns at this time Coaster Punchman due to the number of jokes that could be made about splits, backsides, thunder and of course cash. London was far too expensive but also worth every penny at the same time.
It's not easy always playing the gentleman as I'm sure you know X. Dell. And you're right about the rummaging. Interesting you should use that word, I was thinking of it in relation to rummage sale the other day and how it's underused.
It wasn't me WP I swear. I'm the 'good' one.
Well, aren't you just the cutest thing? And you look almost exactly as I pictured you. Love your red boots, too.
Arrrgh!! Those superfluous u's get me every time!
Ah the tourists over here. Oh a Black cab! If i throw up in the back of it I have to pay £20! How Exciting...
why would you get someone to take a picture of the three of you from behind?
Glad you had a nice time in London and I hope you said hello to Her Royal Highness, Helen Mirren, for me.
Well, I am fond of Santa...
I was just going to post that I love Little Britain. (BBC America is a godsend.)
However, I'm still cracking up over "vajayjay".
i'm soooo jealous!! did you eat at wagamamas? bloody good cheap eats!
Thanks, Dale. All that talk about how hard it was for you to toil and pose for that picture, and NOT ONE MENTION of how many times I had to make that jump for the poster shot. (sigh)
Thanks for sharing. I am quite small and could easily be stored in the overhead bin. Please keep this in mind next time you travel.
That picture is hilarious. Well done!
Whahaha! Thanks for the tour through your stunning trip. Nice pic. Watch for moisture.
It sounds as though you've become quite a fancy lad! Welcome to the club!
Just asking for attention, in the street, as well as here!!
And is it a plaid suit???
Next picture you should post of you here, is you in the bee suit!!! I want to see you in thigh!!!
It was very gentlemanly of me to let MJ wear the red boots don't you think Beth?
You still win my comment sweepstakes for this round Beckeye. U rock.
If you saw the cars they use for cabs here and the level of experience of the drivers and their ability to not speak English Freelance, you'd be honoured to puke and pay in your black cabs. Oh, and I hate tourists too.
I thought it would be funny Chancelucky but then blew the joke by posting a photo with me facing forward in the same post. When I last went to NYC, I did the same thing with me and Chelene. Helen Mirren asked about the dogs but didn't say a word about you!
Flattery and fattery courtesy of Flannery. Thanks Ms. Alden.
Yet another reason to like you Deadspot. Little Britain is quite brilliant and on the flight, they had an episode I'd never seen called Little Britain Abroad where all the characters (Lou & Andy and Bubbles DeVere notably) were in different locations than where you'd normally find them). It was sweet. Have you seen The Catherine Tate Show?
We ate a few times at Pret A Manger and loved it Hapabukbuk but not Wagamamas. Maybe next time. Oh, and P.A.M. has NYC locations too I see, cool.
Berry, thank you for sticking the landing every single time!! Well done. And for making me laugh like a fool.
Tenacious S., I believe you rate an actual seat, small or not. Come next time.
Thanks Gizmorox, I'm just glad I didn't get a bunch of comments saying 'you're an idiot'.
Thanks for the advice Andi. I refrained from using several 'tip' jokes here.
This is the only fancy club I think we need Grant.
It's a blazer Jill. I only wear the full plaid suit with the red nose. And what's that about my thighs?
Thanks for posting that photo Dale,it's great! Geez, you're getting to meet a lot of bloggers aren't you! Any chance you will be visiting the West Coast this year? :O)
I'm not sure yet Mel but I wouldn't rule it out! I'll keep you posted if I head your way. Although I don't do floors! haha, just read your post, congrats on the new place.
Thanks, Dale. And your comment on my blog that "Chris blamed his suckage on the killings" had me rolling. Not eye-rolling, but rolling on the floor.
LOVE the pics Dale!
I knew you were "Delicious"!
I don't think you look old or fat in that picture.
Seen it? I'm a member of your Catherine Tate Geek Mafia.
Wait... which rule is it that you don't talk about the Catherine Tate Geek Mafia?
Let me roll it to ya Beckeye. Rolling's good in so many contexts.
Thanks Jin, just wait until the other 428 photos go up!
Then the 18 hour days of coffee and photoshop weren't in vain Flannery!
Don't make me revoke your good standing Deadspot. How very dare you! The rule is that you must constantly ask Am I bovvered? By the way, if you haven't seen Catherine meet Tony Blair as Lauren, you should YouTube it, it's well good.
Excellent suggestion, that was fabulous. Who knew that Tony Blair had a sense of humour?
I love it. Great picture.
How you doin?
I guess after she'd finished giving the Queen what for, Lauren didn't have much else to choose from Deadspot.
I'm sleepy Winter. You?
she could seriously give coco a run for her money, couldn't she?!
Hmm, I'm not sure I know what/who you mean Katie.
Go to Katie's blog, type in "Coco" under "search" and click "this blog."
Oh God!! WP, thanks, I totally forgot about Coco. I hit search and then didn't need to even look. This is why we all love Katie. She's hysterical. As are you.
Oups!! I always get mix up with word that sound the same with "h" and "gh" and 'ght' at the end.
I want to see you thighs in tights!!
Jill, you're a perv.
Dale is hawwwt.
Aw Bella, you forgot your glasses, how lovely of you!
Dale, why, because I'm a woman, what I said is perv?? If you would have said it, it would be ok or funny!!
I didn't mean perv as a bad thing necessarily Jill.
My friend Deborah came up with the best caption for my Dancer Over Dale shot: That gives new meaning to One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Excellent work Deborah.
You are a handsome cuss!
And you're a sweetheart!
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