Chelene, you graciously agreed to have lunch with me on Friday and didn’t even bring a police escort, I find that encouraging. We ate at Bar Americain which was very cool. I think the food was pretty good too although I couldn't say for sure because I was busy focusing on how sweet, funny and sessy you were and our great conversation. I was sad when it ended but I wasn't going to be the one to argue with your probation officer.
To help others share in our special moment, here’s a shot of us on our way in…

Kristin Chenoweth – thank you for a great one night only performance at the Met. You sounded and looked great and you were very funny too which goes a long way with me. I didn’t notice until after you acknowledged that she was in the audience, but there was Bette Midler sitting barely a nose job away. She enjoyed the show nearly as much as the rest of us and I know this because I could see her people pulling on the wires concealed in her cheeks that help her smile.
Kristin herself is a tiny little thing and this ‘no cameras or recording devices allowed’ shot that I snuck, shows her at actual size. She had a 12 piece orchestra, a couple of dancing boys and a lot of fun. Thanks Kristin!
On Saturday, we met Coaster Punchman and Poor George. They were so charming, funny and damned likable that shortly after we parted ways, I hear they were captured and caged so scientists could try and clone them for mass consumption. If this fails, plan B is to have a reasonably priced body spray based on them hit the market come springtime.
We thrilled to their tales of woe, wonder and Mama Gin and shared some laughs, conversation and dinner at the Algonquin. I knew the Algonquin as home to the famed Round Table but I also now know thanks to George that they have a pepper grinder larger than most 5 year olds.
Another one night only attraction was the very flexible Asian senior at the next table who at one point hoisted his leg up in the air over his head, don’t ask. Later as we were leaving, he started to fall off his chair and I helped right him before he completely hit the floor. Honest.
We went to see a funny play called And The Little Dog Laughed and then went for drinks at the lounge in the Royalton. Thanks guys for the very excellent company.
Honourable mentions:
To the 70ish year old lady who dropped into the diner we ate breakfast at, a hearty toasted thank you. You proved that real New Yorkers know how to rock the hell out of a look. She had on a very beautiful fur jacket with what looked like white pants. On closer examination, it turned out to be white ribbed long johns! With a fur jacket! Sensible running shoes completed the ensemble.
City Club Hotel -- that whole fresh faced and happy looking staff thing works really well with me. Thank you for that. Even though I did eventually find something to complain about, you resolved it quickly and without treating me as poorly as Simon Cowell might have.
With that, I hope to very shortly return to being cranky about all the mundane things in my life.
Oh man, how I wish we had been there with you! Next trip, okay?
Or maybe all you bloggies have to set up a little reunion somewhere?
It's better you didn't intervene - he carries a taser. But seriously, it was great meeting you!
By the way, I think I could crush Kristin with my thumb.
How come it seems like every blogger is getting together with other bloggers, except me??? Maybe I should take a hint.
It was fun reading about your weekend Dale! I've only met one blogger (Allison) when she was in Vancouver. It was pretty cool!
Aha, so you were visiting the evil parrot's haunting ground. Glad to know that you had a great time in NYC. NYC can be such a delight and there are those days .... Well, at least the weather was decent (for this time of the year) and there wasn't an MTA strikes. Glad that you had a bit of fun here.
I am SO JEALOUS you got to meet CP & PG & talk about the MG!!!
Sounds like you had a FANTASTIC time! GREAT artsy shot of you & chelene.
I was going to say have a good week...but it'll probably suck bigtime compared to all this!
Sounds like a fabulous trip. I'm jealous! I wish I lived someplace interesting so I could have lunch with you when you came into town.
Sounds cool Dale. I'm planning our own journey back east in March, so I thank you for blazing the trail.
Once the tour t-shirts are done, we'll be looking for roadies Tanya.
But would you just because you have the power Chelene? I'll trust your decision. It was excellent to spend time with you.
Don't make any sudden moves Creepy! :-)
Hey Mel, I meant to mention, I saw the shop that sells the painted chocolates you posted on your blog about. They looked amazing in the window but it was early and the shop was closed. I would have bought some for you and then eaten them all accidentally and never mentioned it to you. But the shop was closed.
It was chilly Larry H. but a combo of walking and cabs seemed to do the trick.
They were very nice Jin and I think it may be the spirit of MG that tipped the old guy over at the next table.
Holly! I missed you. If you weren't so selfish, you'd move already so I could pop over for a visit!
Hope the plans are rolling right along Bubs and I'm sure you'll have a fine time.
Aren't CP and George the best? Not only are they charming hosts, but they are both so cute! I should have told you to make sure you got George to say the word "Girls" for you, as he pronounces it unlike anyone else on the planet.
Those damn New Yorkers! Those stole all your grumpy mojo!
Damn, I wish I lived somewhere spectacular enough to attract such a visit. Sounds like a great time for all.
Sounds like a great trip! And making the blogger connections is awesome. New York is definitely on my list, and Chel, we're going out, we're getting drunk, and I'm totally crashing on your floor.
I'm a little (= a lot) jealous about your trip to NYC.
ps. Hi Dale! *Ziggy waves madly*
O come let us adore them. They were so damned nice Lulu.
Not to worry Barbara, I'm still obscenely grumpy and just left it out of this post.
You must move then Pink Fluffy. It's the only thing to do.
I would never have thought that meeting up could be so much fun James but it was. NY is worth it anyway but when you find the good people, well...
Ziggy, you never know, I still might make it there before you head back to your native land! How you doing?!
I think Dale would agree that meeting bloggers in person can be a ton of fun. I highly recommend it. The nice thing is we're everywhere.
Dale, I had to look up "sessy". I approve. Carry on.
And James, you're welcome to crash anytime!
I'm OK, Dale. I could do with someone helping lift this mountain of work off me though.
I'd love to see you over here! Or in Melbourne (once I'm there!) ...
Welcome home!
Seriously, had I had more time in the T.O. region over the holidays, I totally would have loved to share some grub and a few chuckles with you and Ms. Espanya!
I think Chris would agree that some restrictions may apply.
Originally it said sexy Chelene but I needed something that brought more sass into the mix.
The song is called Climb Every Mountain Ziggy but I'd just set it on fire and run. It'd be cool to see you there or there.
If only for the chance to see you try and do up your jacket in time for The Amazing Race Berry, I'd have said yep, let's do it.
Sounds like your trip really recharged your batteries!
Growing up in the midwest, you hear how cold the New York City people are, etc. I went in 1998 and found that it was quite the contrary. People were friendly. I had to get from Laguardia to a place in Tribeca in about two hours on the subway, and found that people were amazingly friendly and helpful. I'm looking forward to getting back there someday.
glad to hear your enjoying NYC. It's a little strange to think about a blogger using vacation time to meet other bloggers in non-pixellated form.
In the photo, I'm assuming that you're the one on the left?
You always are welcome at The Official Site Of Grant Miller and family Compound in lovely St. Charles, Illinois.
Gotta love NYC! You know you're from Connecticut when you hear people say...
"I'm half way between Boston and NYC!"
A quick ride down to New Haven and a short train ride and I'm there! *sigh* I'm jealous
You should really come out to Portalnd some time. Our old Asians can lick their own backs.
Oh Dale! You just gave me a good laugh, and I really needed it! hehe! I bet they did look amazing in that shop window.
You never called me!
Lucky you, actually. When I have friends come in from out of town I can never think of anything to do. Sometimes when there's too much, it's hard to pinpoint anything.
I love that you hooked up with your blog buds. that is the coolest thing ever! how fun!
sounds like you had a ball, bubbie. mazel.
So, who took the picture? Hmmmmmm?
I love the weekend jaunts Johnny Yen and as much as it chagrins me to say, there are some good people there.
Not my usual style at all CL as I'm quite shy really but there were a couple of people I was dying to meet and thankfully, they turned out to be excellent. Good call on the i.d. there.
Be careful what you wish for Grant Miller with your gracious offers.
Sounds like you need a trip Bluez!
As long as it's not customary to join in on the back licking Blog P.
I actually made a mental note to go back but I guess it got erased Mel.
Next time you're having guests, leave all the planning to me Beckeye. In fact, just send them here.
No sign of Blair in the city anywhere though Katie.
That's a painting I did after the fact Old Lady.
Wow, sounds like you had a great time!
P.S. I'm surprised the ushers didn't haul you out of the audience and beat you severely about the head for taking a photo in the theater. Broadway ushers can be cruel and thuggish ... even the male ushers.
After being a partial subject of your blog, I am sad to get into the commenting so late in the game. But we were also glad of the visit, and have now kidnapped Chelene and put her in our basement in a fit of rage and jealously that you cheated on us with another blogger.
Next I have to jump over to Lulu, Ten-S and Bubs to see if I can read more about their fateful meeting over the weekend at the big birthday bash.
I drugged all the ushers in a complicated pre-show piece of choreography Zed. That's just how I do it.
Don't make me come back there to rescue my Chelene CP! Or actually, do make me come back and we can all find someone else to pick on.
Now I'll need to read about the birthday shenanigans.
I am so jealous that you were able to experience the 3Cs of NYC. But I'm thrilled you saw the Chenoweth show; nothing but raves, I hear.
It was all ravealicious Beth. She was singing only to me, which I thought was considerate.
That's the first picture that actually makes Kristin taller. I kinda wondered if that is the reason that her career hasn't taken off, she's too short to star with anyone, to the point that they can't be filmed in the same frame with her.
Man, that whole day looked like fun and I'll bet it was about forty degrees warmer in the NYC, than at your home.
Are you saying she should hire me to make her look taller in photos then WP? A tall order but I think I'm up for it.
Friday wasn't as bad as Saturday but it was still pretty damned chilly. The Metropolitan Museum of Art remembered to pay their heating bill so nobody froze.
Very cool trip, sounds great! Glad to have you back on home ground! Really cute picture, too.
It was a lot of fun Angela and I'd stay there a few months a year if I could and then come home to you. :-)
Awww...cuddlebug, you are such a sweet talker! xoxo
Just don't combine sweet and talker into stalker!
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