I saw this fun music related quiz over at AC44's blog.
His answers were funny and when I gave it a try, I thought, some of these are pretty lame but from #11 to 18 things seem to have worked out to be hilarious, to me anyway.
Give it a go people.
* Put your iTunes/Winamp/WMP/Whatever on shuffle.
* Use the song title as the answer to the question.
1. How does the world see me? Fingertips...Poe
2. Will I have a happy life? 40 Miles To Vegas...Southern Culture on the Skids
3. What do my friends really think of me? The Rifle...Alela Diane
4. Do people secretly lust after me? Brotha...Jill Scott
5. How can I make myself happy? Don't Know How...Joss Stone
6. What should I do with my life? All Cried Out...Alison Moyet
7. Will I ever have children? Last...Jeff Buckley
8. What is some good advice for me? The Same Boy You've Always Known...White Stripes
9. How will I be remembered? Hold On...Sarah McLachlan
10. What is my signature dancing song? Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again...Sarah Brightman (burning right up the charts)
11. What do I think my current theme song is? Feeling Gravity's Pull...R.E.M. (parts of me anyway)
12. What does everyone else think my current theme song is? A Common Disaster...Cowboy Junkies
13. What song will play at my funeral? Alone in the Garden...Gold City (how awesome that a gospel tune ended here where we're talking about my end)
14. What type of women/men do I like? My Off White Flag...Dirty Projectors
15. What is my day going to be like? The Scorpion Departs But Never Returns...Phil Ochs
16. Will I ever have love again? One Thing...Amerie
17. What type of sex life do I have? Get Off...Dandy Warhols
18. What song would be the title of my own porno movie? Young Americans...David Bowie (I'm sure he means over the age of consent Americans, otherwise, that would be creepy.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
17. What type of sex life do I have? Get Off...Dandy Warhols
I suppose you could take that a couple of different ways...
I took it as entertaining.
How true! I always thought you were a rifle!
Your Off White Flag
"Young Americans?" You are filthy.
How can I make myself happy? Don't Know How
Your shuffle is wise and evasive. I'm working on mine...
Here is some help with 1-10:
1. How does the world see me? Fingertips...Poe
You have the world at your fingertips!
2. Will I have a happy life? 40 Miles To Vegas...Southern Culture on the Skids
If you live more than 40 miles from Vegas you will.
3. What do my friends really think of me? The Rifle...Alela Diane
Gimme the rifle, we'll show you how we feel...
4. Do people secretly lust after me? Brotha...Jill Scott
Oh Brotha!
5. How can I make myself happy? Don't Know How...Joss Stone
You know how to make yourself happy, everybody does it...
6. What should I do with my life? All Cried Out...Alison Moyet
No use cryin over spilled milk...
7. Will I ever have children? Last...Jeff Buckley
last time I checked, men can't have babies....
8. What is some good advice for me? The Same Boy You've Always Known...White Stripes
Thats right, being monogamous is a good thing in this day and age
9. How will I be remembered? Hold On...Sarah McLachlan
Hold on, Dale who?
10. What is my signature dancing song? Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again...Sarah Brightman (burning right up the charts)
Get rid of the blow up doll, they can't dance....
oh I like thismeme...I must steal it, after I do my post on anal sex loving Christians.
I'd say your rationale is just Dandy Beckeye.
Yours too Winter.
I would have thought more of a pistol Barbara but I'll take rifle.
I'm more off white Grant.
Make it work for you Flannery!
Thanks for the help Bluez! Maybe I should have cheated?
Lulu! I'm shocked! I hope you're not implying I'm a Christian!
Oh, this is good. I may have to steal this one.
I'm thinking I should do this one eventually, but since I use the iTunes mostly for podcast stuff, I fear that a lot of the answers may make even less sense than inappropriate song titles.
Does number 3 mean your friends think you have a big gun??
Cool idea, perhaps I'll give it a try.
Nice, see your music knows you very well. I think I just might play along now.
i am so playing this once i finish my work. and maybe a nap. :)
Lulu is a total copier and anal-sex-loving-Christian lover.
Some of these are pretty damn funny.
I've played this game before, and I've seen others play it. More often than not, the results are hysterical.
'The Rifle', huh? Interesting...
Don't feed into the corruption thing Bubs. I'll let you have it for free.
It might be even more fun Mob. You listen to some hilariously titled podcasts and things.
You mean you want to give the big gun a try? You really are fearless Fearless! Bravo!
My music is slightly askew Allison, just like me. I hope you do it too!
And that weird bar you bought 668!
Everybody knows it but her I bet Coaster Punchman.
They are indeed funny X. Dell. I know you're anti-tag stance is itching right about now.
It's another one of those things you could take a couple of ways Creepy. Don't shoot okay?
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