No spoilers were used in the composition of this post.
The Tony Awards seems to be one of those consistently low rated events begging for viewers. This year, someone had the brainwave to put them up against the series finale of The Sopranos. I did watch the opening and found it interesting that while Radio City Music Hall gave the Rockettes the night off, the big show opened with the kick line number from A Chorus Line. Genius whether intentional or not.
The series finale of The Sopranos was, in a word, satisfying. I'm not a big fan of shows that try to wrap too much up in a short span of time. Remember the send offs for M*A*S*H? Seinfeld? Six Feet Under? Joanie Loves Chachi? I hated them all.
Thank you David Chase for not crapping out.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Never watched The Sopranos. I'm only getting a free month of HBO now because Time Warner screwed up our installation. So, I've just watched "Wedding Crashers" 12 times.
You know how they should've ended The Sopranos? Tony should've whacked Chachi. That would've been worth tuning in for. Speaking of Chachi...he'll be on my blog.
I thought David Chase chose the best ending. I've been fretting all week about whether or not Tony would get his. I thought the last second kicked broadcast a**!
Yep, I'm one of those people not watching the Tony Awards. Oh well. I'm also one of 8 people in the world that don't watch the Sopranos. It seems I've missed out on a huge cultural movement of sorts. Oh well. Not the first time.
Hmm. I see Beckeye doesn't love Chachi. Ergo she's not Joanie.
I haven't seen the Tony's or the Oscars in well over a decade. Grammys too for that matter. I've really strted to loathe the concept, especially when reading about the politics about some of the decisions.
I tried getting into The Sopranos, but couldn't. So I'm not able to comment on its finale. I did, however, enjoy the finale of M*A*S*H, even though I didn't see it on TV (I listened to it on radio).
Are you telling me that nobody jumped over a shark on a motorcycle in the final episode of Sopranos? Pffff, I don't know why I bothered taping it then.
Of all the series finales, I thought the ending of Mary Tyler Moore sort of worked. The more ballyhooed ones though were pretty dreadful.
I did think the end of Cheers should have been Sam shooting Diane. Also thought Friends should have ended with Ross demanding DNA testing for Emma to prove paternity and the cast turning up on Maury Povich.
I'll miss the Sopranos and did think the ambiguous ending was the best way to go, since most of the show seemed to be about the banality of evil.
I'm hoping that HBO's next big series will be about bloggers.
I thought the 'Seinfeld' finale was great. Bringing back all those loveable characters (The Soup Nazi, Baboo, the low talker, etc.) to prove what a depraved bunch those 4 were was a treat. And hearing Jackie Chiles say, "By the way, they're real, and they're spectacular," was phenomenal!
Jeez, I kinda liked the finale of SFU!
yeah I am still losing sleep over the Joanie loves Chachi finale.
I watched neither and feel all the better for it. And as much as I totally dig you we will always disagree on SFU's ending.
It sounds like a wonderful month for you Beckeye. Hasn't Chachi been sleeping with the fishes for a while now?
Beth! You're one of three people I know then, including me, who thought that was kickass! Excellent.
It's never too late for the Sopranos on dvd Andi! Although, I'm the same way, I always miss or come too late to the party of cultural movements.
Beckeye's not Joanie, Daktari X. Dell. The award shows are a bit much and I loathe them a little more each time I force myself through another. Hmm, M*A*S*H on the radio? I might have liked that more.
Let me hear your thoughts once you get your shark out of the shop Barbara.
I hadn't thought of MTM Chancelucky, it was well done. I love your alternate endings for Cheers and Friends. Too late to remake them? HBO - is the B for Bloggers?
Creepy, I did enjoy the old characters coming back for a bit of fun but hated the premise.
Bluez, I actually liked everything up to the flash forward sequence at the end of SFU showing what happened to the characters. I did like that it looked like Billy finally talked Brenda to death but otherwise, I didn't need that kind of closure.
If only they'd called it Joanie Loves Tchotchkes, I might have actually watched Mel.
My favourite part of the whole last season of SFU was NARM! Chelene.
Thank you for not spoiling it and excuse me if I can't read anything on this page, as I have to wait for the DVD of The Sopranos to come out.
Everybody and everything under the sun is trying to tell me about it. Hell, I'll bet they're giving away the season's ending even on the Mandarin, Tagalog and Japanese news channels right now.
Why did you hate "Joanie Loves Chachi?"
I gave up watching the Sopranos, but I did catch the ending on the weekend, and thought it was quite fitting.
I used to watch Six Feet Under on dvd, then someone told me the series ending. Was not impressed with them, nor what they told me.
Brilliant title, BTW.
Watched the Sopranos and I never felt so cheated of an hour. Geraldo Rivera's documentary on Al Capone's vault had a better ending than this bloody rip. David Chase should be dressed in foxskins and chased by hounds. And I'm being nice on that part.
I missed both of them. The Simpsons finale was disappointing however
Mystery Science Theater 3000 had the best finale, in my opinion.
I never realized Joanie Loves Chachi made it to a finale. Didn't they just burn the set down and quietly walk away?
BTW: I love Scott Baio if only for Bob Loblaw.
The sum total of my tv watching these past five years has been children's television and late night Sports Center. So I've missed quite a bit I'm sure. Of course, the shows I generally enjoy invariably get replaced mid-season and never heard from again.
I didn't want to spoil anything for anyone but judging by the near universal outrage WP, you're bound to be wondering!
Because they never asked me to be in it Grant.
It was all good with the Six Feet Under until the last few minutes Allison. And I thought the Sopranos ending was fitting as well. Thank you for your support at this difficult time.
Thanks Beth, glad you liked it.
Such violence Larry H! Tsk tsk.
I missed that one Freelance so we're nearly even.
They may well have just burned down the set Flannery. I'm not even sure if I ever saw an episode. We have stores here called Loblaws but it doesn't make me feel any closer to Scott.
You may be the smartest viewer of us all then Pezda!
Bob Loblaw was a lawyer on Arrested Development. Say the name out loud and it will make sense.
Also: Get the to the video store and rent seasons 1, 2, and 3 of Arrested Development or I shall not speak to you again.
I've seen the first 2 seasons Flannery Blabla. I love your new pushy and threatening behaviour!
All this power is going to my head...and Bob Loblaw is on season 3.
Sorry to be so aggressive; you know I adore you.
Oh, love it? Then I shall try to discover more ways to push you around.
Oh sure Bob Alden, you didn't meant to turn me on? Yeah right. Season 3 huh? I'll see what I can do. Feel free to be as pushy as you need to be but always with love.
Remember, you and I loved Grey Gardens first. And I agree with Grant: hating "Joanie Loves Chachi" - them are fightin' words.
And forever Flannery.
I'm over the Joanie Love Chachi hate Coaster Punchman, now I'm just indifferent. As for Grey Gardens, yes, those performances were just astounding. Another winter in a summer town...sob, sniff.
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