If Pat Benatar says we belong together, jarring transitions and all, how can I argue?
1. The Field – Sound Providers – a little jazz hop name dropping goodness
2. Stacked Actors – Foo Fighers – a little shake up
3. We Belong – Pat Benatar – where have you gone Mrs. Robinson?
4. Clean Hands, Dirty Hands – Nick Cave – dirty please
5. The Mystery At Ogwen’s Farm – Jane Siberry – mystery solved in line 1: Bessie's gone. Bessie is a cow. I hope they find her, she's needed on set for the 'One More Colour' video.
6. Llorando – Rebekah del Rio – I was alright for a while, until this song started haunting my random lists, if I drop dead, call David Lynch
7. Bowling Green – Neko Case & Her Boyfriends – I’ve sent my application in just in case there's an opening in the boyfriend ranks
8. Everywhere I Go – Junior Kimborough – poor Junior, man I wish I could help
9. Born, Never Asked – Laurie Anderson – story of my life (come on, that was good!)
10.Mother and Child – David Sylvian – see number 9 revelation
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
That Pat Benetar song is one of those songs I never noticed when it was a hit, then heard on the radio one day and fell in love with it.
I keep seeing Neko Case on everybody's playlist, and I have a Borders gift card to use up. Where's a good place to start with her?
I'm not the expert Johnny but I'd start with Neko Case's latest -- Fox Confessor Brings The Flood as it's a wonder to listen to.
Barbara B. and MellowLee, Beth and a whole slew of others have been pushing it and I just got into it recently. Love it.
I also just got her cd called The Virginian which was from several years back if memory serves.
She performs with The New Pornographers as well.
Do it Johnny. So you can belong too.
Did Neko take her shirt off on stage in 2001? Hence her "Blacklisted" album? Just wondering....
I love "We Belong." But I must confess that when I hear it, I always picture Pat with those giant kryptonite earrings that she wore in the video. And I like her, but I've always thought she kind of looks like a human termite.
Poor Pat Benatar - she does look like such a fashion victim now although she was pretty cool back in the day. heheh kryptonite earrings!
Didn't Jane Siberry change her name to some goddess thing and sell all her stuff and is now living out of her knapsack? On purpose.
Oh, and Johnny Yen - if I can weigh in, I agree with Dale that Fox Confessor Brings the Flood is a must-have Neko Case cd and so is Furnace Room Lullaby. I suspect you will love them.
She must have done something bad Bluez which actually can do something good for your career really.
I loved the Heartbreaker Pat and then all that was erased when she did that Love is a Battlefield video Beckeye. I can see her and the dancers are all shoulder dancing around like chickens. Very very frightening.
Yes, Barbara, Jane is now Issa. She's a talented but kooky gal and I really enjoy her stuff but I'm not sure I'd want her signing my cheques.
Thanks for the advice, Dale and Barbara!
BTW, I just saw Benetar and her husband on VH!-- they were doing a "best of the 80's" thing. She looked like a 50-year-old Pat Benetar, which is okay, because that's what she is.
Pat Benetar is awesome, Invincible is one of my favourite retro songs.
Keep rocking the Lynch!
I love these lists!!! I always find great music. thanks for posting them.
Every damned time Barbara mentions Neko Case, I go buy another of her cds. I think she's on the payroll. And quite possibly underpaid because this stuff is like gold! Enjoy Johnny, thanks Barbara.
I will always rock the Lynch Angela. It was fate that Rebekah brought our blogs together.
Hello Katie. Why aren't you posting your own so we can find out about yours? Don't make me come over there! Or is that the point? Clever.
Ah, Nick Cave. I just got his murder ballads record. Good stuff.
The song on my list is from the soundtrack from the film The Proposition Bubs which led me to more of Mr. Nick's work. Over at Will & Ben's Record Room, they've been discussing a March release from Cave and cohorts called Grinderman.
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