I try to be spontaneous because I admire that in others but generally, I like to have something of a plan in place.
Part of the fun in good planning is exploring options. For example, if you're thinking of taking a trip, considerations may include when the best time to go is, what types of activities there are available and just what to call the thing - is it a getaway, a break or is there another word to best describe it?
Then, if you've switched to the new version of Blogger, there's the quandary of choosing labels for your post. Do you use a lot of different terms to describe the same things you're writing about or do you generalize and keep it simple?
This may well be the furthest I've travelled for a lame joke. But then, I do enjoy a spot of travel.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
You're a spot of bother
plus you are up faaaaaaaaaar too early on a sunday :) I had to drag my butt out of bed. Going to get the kidlet *boing boing* Happy Sunday Dale!!
That's it - no beta (or new coke or whatever they are calling it now) for me. Everything would be labelled "random crap".
Heck, that wasn't that far.
I am a little disappointed, after getting all excited about reading about your travel planning, only to find...well, you know. New blogger is turning into invasion of the body snatchers. I try and put off the inevitable, only to watch all my blogger friends turn into pod people.
hahaha...I agree with Barbara, far to much work trying to sort out labels and such. I think I'll remain with 'old blogger', feeling retro these days.
Oh some on, I'm sure you've travelled further.
Well shit, I didn't get it and I love a good joke!
scooters, huh? And fall. very nice.
I think I took that up with you in person today didn't I Tanya?
The actual time I got up was just before 6 I think MellowLee, it's ridiculous, I agree.
Not true Barbara, that's the hair dye talking!
You'll join us one day Bubs and we'll dry your tears. I'll tell you more about my travel planning shortly.
I admire the retro vibe Allison. When I thought I'd give Beta a try, it wouldn't let me, then one day I hit the button and the next thing you know, I was writing poorly executed joke posts about labels.
Should I have gone that way Justa? I couldn't decide. I have fur too much time on my hands.
Perhaps I should explain Old Lady. But then again, no.
Amy, hello! I wouldn't actually do a scooter but if I did, I might have a fall!
I have yet to make the switch! Don't necessarily feel like traveling...
I wouldn't know, blogger refuses to let me switch
It was an easy transition and it's a bit easier now. Travel itself sucks but once you're there, well that's different.
The taunting is a bit much isn't it Lulu? It'll apologize to you profusely soon I'm sure.
I fought the switch for a long time, and now it won't let me, either. We are special!
screw labels- that is just the man trying to define us, trying to put us all into categories for judgment, trying to supress our freedoms, our creativity, our right to our voices! Keep up the categorization and a couple years from now, we will only be able to blog about the top 10 labels and then where will be be. Dale fight the power! Fight the label!
Fight and fight, surrender and the final insult. I'm so sorry for all your trouble CP. Just remember your specialosity.
This man who is trying to define us. Is he good with words? You are a FearMongeringMonkey!
you're so quirky, daleish :--0
Quirky I can be Katie. I pride myself on it. For no good reason.
At the bottom of each post in the new Blogger, there is a spot where you can put labels. It gives you an example like this:
*Labels for this post:*
e.g. *scooters, vacation, fall
I was basically making a post about scooters, vacation, fall. Then I realized that the labels automatically alphabetize. The joke was too lame not to just post. And I laugh alone in a dark room. But at least you all were game!
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