This morning outside of Union Station, we bleary eyed travellers were serenaded by young 'uns singing their little hearts out in favour of reminding us that the season premiere of American Idol is on tonight. Plastic microphone? Okay.
Considering it's a Canadian television station doing the promotion, let's hope they do something at least as cheesy for Canadian Idol when it returns to the airwaves!
If you'd like to check out what promises to be some excellent commentary in the weeks to come on the juggernaut that is American Idol, check out We Judge The Idols hosted by purveyors of style and finer blogging Coaster Punchman and Melinda June.
Now, for my first number, I'd like to do a little something I debuted in the shower a few years back...
This looks like those weird marshamallowy ice cream cones.
OH geez, it is that time of year again isn't it! I will check out that link :O)
Hello there. I was just watching the auditions ... brutal. I use to think that Simon was the bloody Devil incarnate. After watching the auditions, I started appreciating the "nuances" of Simon. Hope that the Canadian Idol isn't so disturbing. Canada is too beautiful for that.
That microphone is disturbingly....oh I won't even say it- it's too easy.
I don't know how anyone could be unaware AI is returning. I've seen Paula's thumbs-up, Randy's grin and Simon's snide face nonstop for the last 3 weeks.
I was blssfully unaware as well, and now you've ruined my solitude for me. Fortunately my tv has an off button. (Actually I don't know if it does, but my remote does and that's good enough for me.)
Sick minds think alike, CP-- I was thinking the same thing.
I love the metallic flange sound those cheap toy mics add to a voice.
I hear AI is starting here I wonder if there's still time for me and my mic to make it.
Do you think someone from Mn will make it?
Oh, we make it.
Thank God I don't commute through Union Station! Sounds brutal, you lucky chap!
The pain that the Idol brings is sharp and lingering, but I can't look away.
There's something very Ludovico Technique about it all...
You're right Tanya. Now I want one.
Check it out Mel, I'm sure someone will make you laugh or cringe.
Brutal is the right word Larry. Isn't it lovely that Simon is showing other sides of himself? Don't worry, Cdn Idol is just as ridiculous but on a smaller scale and budget.
Just put your lips together and blow CP. That was also too easy but unlike you, I couldn't resist.
Where did you see Paula's thumbs Chelene? They could have been anywhere. She was vewy vewy quiet last night, different cocktail of meds I guess.
Oh Barbara, you came and you gave comments without taking. Click.
Johnny, you're living in the land of depravity now that you've joined forces with him!
Can you make it Coolcat? I knew that you could. The cheap twangy reverb on the mic is spectacular. It works best though if you're singing Kansas - Carry on my wayward son.
The poor little people were outside the station Angela! Yesterday! In freeeeezing weather. They had to sing to stay warm. You wouldn't believe the free crap they foist on you down here regularly.
It may feel Ludovico but I'm guessing you flicked the tv on Mob. I love your sharp and lingering comment.
Dale, stop playing with your nephews, nieces stuff, and blaming it on American Idol!!!
I really think that is yours!!
What is this American Idol show? Sound very weird to me.
Thanks for the A.I. reminder Dale.
It is a compelling spectacle. Too bad we don't get Canadian Idol.
It's definitely mine Jill!
I've never heard of it either Chancelucky. I'll wait to see if the media picks up on it and then go with that.
You really enjoy the punishment thing don't you Bubs? I'll tape it for you.
Interesting. I would have thought that Canada would have its own "Idol" show. My condolences for being stuck with ours.
I think you learn a lesson last time!!!
But it makes it too easy for me, no arguing from your part!!
We do X. Dell, only we're too polite to have it on at the same time as yours. And we'd lose all ten viewers if we did that.
I don't wanna fight anymore baby. Plus you're French so you'll just cut and run right?
Cut and run??(Are you afraid of us, francophone??)
Very afraid Jill.
If you are so afraid, why are you still talking to me??
You darn masochism!!
Shutup Jill. I dare you.
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