Today on the list, Damien Rice pops up twice and I had rice at lunch. Coincidence? Yeah, probably.
1. Volcano - Damien Rice
2. It Keeps You Runnin' - Doobie Brothers
3. La marée haute - Lhasa
4. (Nothing But) Flowers - Talking Heads
5. Sleep Over It - Controller.Controller
6. H'Babi (Remix) - Cheb Mami & Samira Said
7. Each Night I Try - Robbie Fulks
8. Other Girls - Eux Autres
9. Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Damien Rice
10.Michael Caine - Madness
What keeps me doing this each week quite apart from my love of music are the interesting threats from Justacoolcat if we don't post them on American Idle.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I also had rice for lunch.
I see you have your iPod set to Nostradamus.
I didn't realize people outside the midwest were familiar with Robbie Fulks. He ran a really good music series at the Old Town School of Folk Music last year, some really cool artists.
Nice list.
Robbie Fulks was at our Folk Fest this pst summer - he was good.
Justa's threats scare me into submission as well.
Ooho Controller Controller! Nice!!!
Happy Friday!
Dale-- how is it that I have 5,000 songs on my itunes, and you, Bubs and Lulu inevitably have way cooler random lists than mine?
I think that the Doobie Brothers song is the only one I have.
I love Lhasa, too ....
And I like rice ....
OMG Dale!
In the future they will look to our playlists for clues Justa and they will be stymied for years.
I think I'd read a review somewhere about Robbie Fulks Bubs and looked him up. He's not only hilarious but an excellent artist who seems to march to his own Fuck This Town beat.
They've both got us just where they want us Barbara.
I was glad they showed up today Mel. Happy Friday!
It's because we're cooler than you Johnny, nothing you can do about it. Haha, everyone's lists amaze me and I love jaunting off to find something I've seen on your list or someone elses. We've all got pretty damned fine taste.
Reese, were we separated at girth after all that rice? The Lhasa song that is most amazing to me is De Cara A La Pared. I listen to it all the time, her voice is haunting. By the way, I loved your 2 minute review of ...Happyness at your site. I haven't seen it and might or not on video but it was a great review.
I know, I know, Dale. Must you constantly remind me? Boo hoo hoo!
I found the Green Hornet theme and opening titles on You Tube Johnny. Now I can place the theme from your list although I've never seen the show. Surprising for all my talk of being on a Bruce Lee kick.
I've been listening to damien rice, too. love him. have you heard the song, crime? fab. so overly dramatic.
how are you, bubbalah? you don't write. you don't call. kidding. enough jew-guilt.
I must have had you on comment waiting there Katie. I can be guilted you know! But it's not your Jewy goodness, it's my Catholic background. Still in recovery over that.
I think the one blog find mix has two controller controller songs. Glad you like them whew :)
Volcano is the bestestest song ever. Almost. Pretty close.
I secretly adore the Doobie Brothers catalogue. Talking Heads are in constant rotation either in my head or my CD player, and Damien Rice's weather-worn voice worms directly into my head and heart.
How do your lists end up being so cool week after week?!
The few songs I've heard of them, I do indeed like Ms. MLee so you're safe!
If you say it's so then it's so Miss Pants. Where's your random iPod love list?
It's the mirrors Tumuli, they're reflecting everyone else's good taste.
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