Because work was a large part of my life last week, may I share a few bright spots? A few, to me, always means three.
Someone in a meeting talking about rising costs used the 'word' exorberant. I love it when people try to speak.
Someone mentioned a car accident that slowed the drive in considerably. The other person said 'It's always the people in cars that cause things like this'. I love it when people try to think.
Someone came over to my desk and leaned in with a solemn 'You know, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now....' Gulp. ' know that sweater you've been wearing lately, the new one, the light brown one?' Yes I nodded. 'I don't think it really suits you, I wasn't going to say anything but I don't think it's your colour and I thought you should know'.
I laughed and told her that I'd probably still wear it just the same. She didn't laugh. 'That's fine but I'm just saying, it's not really you'. I laughed again and she got up and left. I love it when people think I care.
Janet Baker - I Have Lost Track Of The World.mp3
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I find it's always the blogger who write blogs like this, but you know you it doesn't really suit you when you say things like that. It's too exorberant.
That is a gorgeous song, thank you. It's making me all peaceful this morning. Unfortunately, I'm just on my way for a workout so peaceful is not where I am aiming.
Now that you mention it, I have to agree with your co-worker. I've been thinking that brown sweater washes your out. In fact, brown's just not your color. I think you look better in blue.
"The other person said 'It's always the people in cars that cause things like this'."
Yes, because animals drive so responsibly.
As far as your co-worker? Stay the hell away, she wants to put you in pink and bows. You remind her of a kid that used to bully her back elementary school and she's projecting like a multiplex on a Friday night.
That would be funny to see you on that show!! Dale taking advice on how to dress up, and me laughing my ass off!!
And yes, some person don't think before they talk!!
Exactly Barbara. I'm so glad you see things that way. Isn't that song great? It was playing in a scene from the film Coffee And Cigarettes by Jim Jarmusch and it stuck with me.
Red is more my speed, brings out the veins in my eyes Melinda.
Ah, she's a projectionist then in every sense WP. Very bright.
I think I'd rather give out the advice and make fun of the people Jill. The reason I laughed when she told me is that most people I work with dress terribly and I try to make an effort. Otherwise, it's hard to make fun of them.
I didn't realize that exorberant meant expensive, I thought it was a quality one looked for in the paper towels you purchase.
Boy, is my face red.
I have no idea what she was talking about. You look bodacious in beige.
The sweater commenter needs a good smack. Did she expect you to rip the sweater off and thank her profusely for showing you the light? People are morons.
Does this woman give unsolicited advice to other people too?
How rude.
You should wear the sweater five days in a row.
Wow, you work with some real assholes!
I hate that superior attitude people have!
So Mob, now you're the quipper picker upper?
You're not saying I look fat in it are you PFS? Maybe I can get you to sew me something?
I resisted the urge to compliment her on her boy's haircut Chelene.
Wouldn't she complain about the smell then Valerie?
Especially when I'm a superior asshole next to them Ms. Smack! Wait a second, that didn't come out right.
hahahah too right, mate!
Wow, that is a great song. Thank-you, I was in need of a slower song this eve!
I've heard the exorberant is the strongest insect.
Also, it always insists you wear that sweater.
The incident with your co-worker, the one that didn't like the color of your sweater, sounds to me really bizarre. Tell her she's lucky you decided to wear anything at all. It's not that you can afford another one right now, with the exorberant prices and all.
So Mob, now you're the quipper picker upper?
Yowza, how perfect are you?!
And I know your office, remember that ape who wore track pants and dress shoes?!
Insurance for brown cars can be exorberant.
I like things in threes or fours. I want to smack that sweater lady for you GRRR Thanks for the mp3!!!
In a hundred years who is going to care about a sweater, flattering or not. The fact that she put that much thought into your wardrobe seems somehow stalkerish to me. The fact that you did not immediately heed her advice by ripping the garment off yourself and instead laughed may make it easier for her to break her stalking ways in the future.
I just noticed that Chelene said the same thing!:) So, yeah, don't take advice from anyone...unless it is us (bloggers) or it is an epiphany that comes to you while you are in line at a drive thru.
It doesn't always come out right Ms Smack and from what I read on your blog, sometimes it comes out too fast. :-)
My pleasure Allison, a lot of your mp3s work in reverse for me, they're big time pick me ups.
I will do what the exorberant tells me to do. The sweater is ready to go oh mighty one.
She is very lucky X. Dell. I'd be liable to scare everyone within an inch of my...never mind.
They're the biggest bunch of creeps in the office world Tanya and you know it!
Maybe if I wear a nice sweater they'll give me a break Old Lady?
I agree MLee, threesomes and foursomes are the most fun!
Thank you for the advice Slaygirl. It really didn't offend me so much as amuse me. She's okay, just a little misguided perhaps. If I see her in line at the drive thru, I'll go ahead to the second window.
And is this office busybody with a boy haircut someone you should be taking fashion advice from? Strangely enough, this New York Italian secretary from the Bronx (that alone should sum it up for you) told me in her raspy smoker's voice that I need "flashier ties." I would have smacked her except that I love listening to her scream at the obnoxious sales reps she supports on the phone.
She's actually a decent dresser CP if a little provocative for the office at times. Of course, I hate to judge. Flashier ties? Careful! Please tell me you don't wear novelty ties on Fridays and holidays.
I'm shocked you didn't take her sweater colour comment to heart. She put her heartfelt opinion out to you and you just...haha. Just kidding.
you care... you totally care...
I took it more to my belly Angela and laughed until it hurt. Everyone.
You're right Shroomy. Totally right. But she's still a dork.
That is so Seinfeldian. I wonder if she will have comments on your slacks, mac and plimsolls.
Oh, people, what will they do next?
I love it when other people are amused/annoyed by the same things I am. Basically, that consists of most things that other humans do.
Working with Pres. Bush by any chance?
You only make fun of them because of their clothes?? COme on, I thought you had more imagination then that!!
She's got a comment and opinion on everything Gifted Typist, they're just not generally directed at me. I usually just ignore her.
They'll do something stupid and I'll write something stupid about it Ten S!
I'm with you Beckeye. It's always the effing people! They're so damned annoying. Except for me. And you. And the others here. Mostly.
Maybe I should submit a few things to Bush Andi. He can't do much worse than he is really can he?
I make fun of them for many reasons Jill and all of them are because I'm superior.
You should tell your co-worker that you would be happy to go to a local department store with her so she could buy you a sweater that she thinks suits you better even if it's exorborantly expensive.
You came by now because it's sweater season again didn't you Chancelucky?
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