If anyone's missing cutlery, chances are I have it. Found at the bottom of my briefcase this morning, 2 spoons and a fork. Throw in Rachael Ray, a wisk, some flour and eggs and we've got a party on our hands!
Speaking of hands, did you know Rachael Ray wants to get hers on Coaster Punchman's donuts? The girl is incorrigible!
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Have you seen my stapler in there?
I applaud your excellent spelling of "doughnut" in your label. Why are people always so anxious to drop letters, I ask you?
Oddly enough, I'd like to get my hands on her stickybuns.
I don't suppose you've seen all of my Vinjett spoons have you? Our cutlery tends to wander, so when we were up in the burbs for the holidays, we bought two more packs. That's 8 place settings. Now, two months later, there is a constant scramble to find a damn spoon for breakfast. I have an enormous pile of lonely table knives and a usually-sufficient quantity of forks, but the spoons? They're all gone again, even the tiny little comedy spoons.
Of course, nobody in the family will cop to taking them to work or school, so I am forced to conclude that they have migrated on their own, possibly seeking refuge in the bottom of your briefcase.
It's because those extra u's and h's take too long, Barbara. We Yanks are always in a hurry. To do what, God only knows. Probably to make more tacky shit.
Here, Scarborough often becomes Scarboro. I don't understand it either Barbara. The same way that nobody uses the word cheque anymore. There was something sharp at the bottom of the case but it's not your stapler.
I don't think I have your spoons Deadspot but I will check the next time I'm brave enough to dig to the bottom of the briefcase (which is more of a lunch bag for me anyway).
For the week or so, I do plan on trying to work this question into random conversations though: "Even the tiny little comedy spoons?". Thank you for that.
So then, in a hurry, I can call you Coaster Pncman? Thanks my timesaving pal!
You are just a cleptomaniac... But steal something more exenpsive(and yes, I know, mispeel this one) next time...
I don't get this 30 minute gourmet thing. Say you live with Rachel Ray and you both make dinner in half an hour, it takes tops 45 minutes more to eat it and clean up afterwards. What do you do together with the rest of the evening?
I'm stealing from myself so it's okay Jill.
More time to watch the FOOD network of course Chancelucky, what else is there?
you are so cute! how did this happen? so funny!!
"Doughnuts?" Is that what the kids are calling their naughty bits today? I'm so behind the times...sigh!
I'm patterning my life on yours JG, that's how.
As long as you're not behind their nuts WP, it's all good.
Then a donut & coffe will go up to $6.75
I know you were just plain lame!!
What is the fun in stealing from your own thing!!
Do you still got that multiple personnality disorder?? Do we need to book another appointement??(I need some money to go shopping, and your is better than mine!!)
You're probably right O.L.!
I didn't say anything about not stealing from everyone else Jill. I'm a notorious thief! Okay, I'm not. But I could be.
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