
Fill Me In

See this area right in here? The doctors say they can't find a thing.

Vote for me and help fill my brain.


Zed said...

I voted for you. I'm in a good mood today. Please send money.

(P.S. Yea Dale!)

Marloes said...

I voted (again!) you owe me..:)

PS I have been playing around with Meez all morning, I'm totally lost right now..:)

Anonymous said...

I voted for you too. How could I not? When do I get interviewed?

For just one day, I want to pretend to be a famous celebrity being interviewed Dale, famous celebrity interviewer, and then we can imagine that it's People magazine and someone writes one of those embarrassing fawning "Jacy is amazing!" letters to the editor.

Joe said...

I'm from Cook COunty, Illinois. I'll gladly vote repeatedly for you, and I'll deliver the graveyard vote too.

What's in it for me? I demand some patronage jobs.

BeckEye said...

I'm not voting for you again until your Meez stops using so much hair gel.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

You are shameless, Mr Big Shot! But your pimp deserves a vote or two.

Zed said...

Good grief, I voted TWICE for you now. It must be an Italian guilt thing for all the times I've been mean to you ... So, where's the $$$? I've got maintenance to pay!

Dale said...

Thanks Zed, you were just at the post office, didn't the cheque arrive?

I paid you back with another vote Marloes. Yes, the Meez thing is fairly addictive with all the changes you can make.

Thanks Jacy! I'll interview you if you'd like. I definitely think it could generate a lot of 'Dear People Magazine' style letters.

Bubs, I'll find a way to pay you back and get you and all your cronies jobs. Right now, I'm reading 'Shock Value' which you recommended and I'm loving it.

Believe me Beckeye, I went for the least hipster hair I could find. Who needs the Cammy Diaz up front like that? Not me.

Very shameless Barbara but when you're a big shot like I am, you have to fight to stay on top and crush as many dreams as possible.

Zed, once I'm convinced you're voting repeatedly, I'll pay and how.

katrocket said...

This is the kind of behaviour I would normally expect from Pistols, but I voted for you anyway.

Whatever makes the Dale happy.

chelene said...

I voted and said some mushy things but that Meez guy is kind of scary.

paperback reader said...

Done and done. I no longer have to vote in the next U.S. election now, right? I was just going to write in Beyonce anyway...

X. Dell said...

Okay. I voted for you. What kind of prize do you get?

T said...

Cool. Now I'll officially break the 100 spams-a-day mark!

Dale said...

I'm so shameless and sad Katrocket, I'm sure I'm much worse than Pistols. Okay, I'm not that bad but you know what I mean.

I loved your comment Chelene. You don't think the Meezman looks like me? Haha. It is a bit much.

As long as you don't write her off Pistols. It's an ass like Beyonce's that could win or lose a war!

What kind of prize would you like X. Dell? Do keep in mind that all prizes in Canada look the same.

If you need backup spam T, you let me know and I can set mine up to forward to you.

T said...

Oh, joy...

Leonesse said...

Do your eyebrows do that in real life?

Dale said...

I do what I can to help T. You're welcome.

Leonesse! Hello! And yes! They do! But in real life, I never use exclamation marks!