Since I can't spend all my time watching news bloopers on YouTube and wondering why I'm still in fourth place on Blog Interviewer, I decided to watch a film this afternoon, David Lynch's Inland Empire. Following that, I decided to audio blog about it*.
Look! Over there! On my sidebar! It's my voice telling you in under 60 seconds all you need to know about my afternoon. I didn't think too much about it before recording it so go easy on me.
Since it's such a short piece, you'll still have time to click that voting button one more time right here. (Thanks for voting for me at all! I appreciate it).
*This is not a real review. Had this been a real review, you would have been given instructions on how to feel about the film. Thank you.
**I guess once you do a new audio thingy, it replaces the old one. If I ever figure out how that all works, or if I even try, I'll put it up again.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Finally, Dale speaks!
I've already heard you talk in person several times. I need to get a life, no?
You missed your calling! You should have been a Siskel and Ebert or possibly a coffee vendor or drug dealer.
But hey, anybody who attempts to explain a David Lynch flick in their inaugural audiocast has got more kahonas than I ever will.
You should do more Andy Rooney 60 minutes-style pieces, where you just complain about things that everyone in the modern world has made their peace with. "Apparently, these days, people talk on 'telephones.' I don't need a magical demon coming in through wires, thank you very much."
I feel like David Lynch has been coasting on Twin Peaks for so long that no one's noticed his movies are sub-Mendoza line. Mulholland Drive blew, as did Lost Highway, and...pretty much every one I've seen, now that I think about it. Hack!
I feel closer to God now.
you Canadians really do say a boat!
Oh and I did get my last vote in. I also checked out Dan whats his name in 3rd place and his blog is pretty good dammit
No Chelene, you just need more me! Haha, see you next week!
I'd have been one of those drug dealers who ends up smoking everything and then having to answer to a higher thug Barbara. Lynch probably couldn't explain himself by this point!
If I grow my eyebrows out just so Pistols, that might be worth it. I'd love to rail on about 'the magic talking box'. David's an interesting fella and I really liked Mulholland Drive but yeah, there's a fair bit of coasting. Hmm, coasting works well with titles like 'Lost Highway' and 'Mulholland Drive'. For me, it's the same as Chuck Pahlniuk, some great ideas, a lot of lost steam.
Then you'd better get on your knees Jacy.
Uh oh, I'll have to listen again and re-record the Canadianess out of it Bluez. I maintain we don't say that. I can't imagine me being wrong! Thanks for the vote and I'll be checking out more of the blogs before long. There have been some great finds in poring over the huge list of interviewees.
We DON'T say a-boat. Those silly Americans just don't know how to say boat properly. They make it all twangy.
Boat is pronounced: BOTE
About is pronounced: A-BOWT
More, please! Wait, let me get my Ron Howard peanuts first...
"David's Magic Beans" indeed. Just don't climb any beanstalk that might sprout from them.
Sorry, you guys do say "oot" and "aboot" or sometimes "a-boat." The ones who don't are just faking it.
I am not sure I remember if your prize money will be US or Canadian. Oh wait, there's no difference anymore is there?
Damn it, there was no Korean Bagel Lady in this post. I may have to sue you for leading me on. I've come to love that Asian gal.
That was awesome! I had completely forgotten about the coffee, I really need to get around to watching this movie, I just need to set aside the full afternoon to do so.
Very good, you got my vote...even with the accent!
Oh, my god, you have such an adorable voice! You should seriously podcast more of your funny stories.
You are so NPR.
My brother always calls Laura Dern "Rubbermouth." Something tells me that Rubbermouth and Dumb-Ass would get along just fine.
There's a wonderful Canadian woman strutting her stuff here at our company and her accent is just like yours. Great podcast Dale, just a tad more emotion would bring me to my knees ..:)
Oh!!! LOVE it! :-D
Your recording was way clearer than mine... I must steal your Gcast thingy pronto!!!
Ooooh, I love your voice! All mellow and smooth. Please record more!
the podcast was great. Loved the LSD line. Say Hi! to Laura Dern for me. Years ago, she filmed Smooth Talk at the convenience store down the road from my house. Of course, she hasn't the faintest idea who I am and we never met, but...
You walked right into it.... I'm gonna have to blow the dust off my soap box and just say that the second season of "Twin Peaks" far outdoes the first, even if there were a few inconvenient blips here and there. Give it another watch.... apparently the ultra-mega-entire-series-collection is coming out on DVD this month.
I'm looking forward to more 60 second movie reviews....
And who doesn't love Laura Dern in Jurassic Park? Am I right?
I know I don't Jacy but methinks thou doth protest too much.
As long as Clint Howard hasn't touched those peanuts, I'll have some too Flannery.
That's funny PinkFluffy, I thought of a beanstalk while I was talking! And no, I'd chop it down and run!
Jacy talks like that Coaster Punchman for sure. I'm not sure what she's so riled aboot. Oh, and with the exchange over Paypal, rather that my purse of $10 did come out a few cents short. Damn it!
She was there in spirit Dr. Monkey. Couldn't you feel the dread when I threatened to buy coffee beans from Lynch and then her face contorting in a silent scream? No? Me either. I owe you one.
You'll need to set aside another whole afternoon for the extra disc of features, it's even more whacked out Mob. After you've watched it, let's get high and figure it out.
Prove to me you don't have an accent Jake's Mom. I dare you.
Thanks Bella Rossa, you're quite an inspiration with all your multimedia goings on. My pal Non Vocabulum finally spurred me to try it out but there's also Splotchy, Skincarver, you and others who've inspired me to give it a go.
I like your brother Beckeye, she does have a huge rubbermouth! And I'm a huge dumbass, I wonder what she's up to next weekend?
Am I going to have to strut and show emotion now Marloes? You're a demanding mistress!
Thanks Jin, did you post one? I'll have to go hunt for it.
Marni, Marni, Marni! Flatterer! I may have to do more just for you.
Chancelucky, you're in my brain. Today I saw Canadian celebrity Rick Mercer and I thought of blogging something along the lines of what you just wrote about Laura -- he didn't acknowledge me or even smile, then again he doesn't know me and I didn't engage him. Now I don't have to. Should we do acid together?
The rubbermouth was on full display in Jurassic Park 'Is that so wrong?' I remember being really disappointed in Season 2 of Twin Peaks at the time and I haven't seen them since. It might be worth going back for a marathon to reevaluate. Should we do acid and review them?
Bruce Dern would be proud to have a fan like you for his daughter. Let us know if that coffee is actually laced with LSD.
You'll know whether it was laced or not by the blog posts X. Dell.
I didn't mention it but Laura's mommy Diane Ladd was also in the film in a brief role. I think they must come as a package since she was in Citizen Ruth and Wild at Heart with her as well.
Weren't Laura Dern and Ladd both in Rambling Rose as well?
Hmm, it may have been X. Dell. I definitely remember Laura in it but not the mommy. My memory is a bit rambling.
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