Someone at work lost a diamond ring in the women’s washroom. They were smart enough to know where they lost it, just somehow powerless to prevent it happening.
A sign was posted saying that there would be an reward.
I’d say the reward here would be hey! I found an diamond ring!.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I like your style...sincere, open, genuine. You obviously love mornings, life and people
Kili50 blog for a specific purpose (but I might start another one now that I'm inspired by your caustic writing style)
Oh please do! Start another blog I mean. Do you know how much hard work is involved in being negative 80% of the time? I could use the back up! Thanks for your comments.
Now I feel really're going to think I just schmoozed you to make a donation
But really...I've been cruising the blogger blogs for a couple of months now and yours is the first I deposited a comment at. Honest. I meant what I said and now I'm going to have to post a link to your mental meanderings
Sincerely your generosity and encouragment are hugely appreciated
Good luck and, by the way, the hot choc is only after I've got up after all that sleeplessness stuff. Tonight I had a curry and a coffee...that should work, right?
No need to feel bad, I was just being a goof. I'm happy to hear of someone doing something worthwhile.
Curry and coffee sounds like Mom's home remedy.
Ciao and keep up the good work.
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