Thanks to Justacoolcat for telling me what day it is today. A couple of days off work is all it takes to confuse me. Someone please make sure I remember to start drinking soon for New Year's Eve please.
1. Burning Bed - James Rosenthal (Frida soundtrack) - Didn't Frida invade one of your lists James?
2. Konichiwa Bitches - Robyn - no idea where this came from but it makes me laugh
3. Love Of My Life - Queen - We Will Rock You has just been cast for a Toronto incarnation and Ben Elton was on The Hour last night.
4. Shake Those Windows - Athlete - I don't remember this. Ah, it came from a Q magazine compliation cd. Nice though.
5. Down To Zero - Bettye Lavette - from her CD I've Got My Own Hell To Raise, I'm not sure I overall enjoy the song choices here but Bettye does give it a real go.
6. Who Knows Where The Time Goes - Matthew Sweet & Susanna Hoffs
7. Brotha - Jill Scott - yes Jill?
8. I'll Be There - Martina McBride
9. America - Tracy Chapman - don't remember downloading this - I am old.
10.Let Me Roll It (Live) - Paul McCartney - I've always loved this song.
Part of the reason shuffle is worth the ride: Following Edith Piaf's L'Accordeoniste, Golden Earring's Radar Love came on. Shifting gears is good for you.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Is it Friday?
Oh man, you are right! Around here it has been designated the First Annual Pyjama Day, and I was so taken with not getting dressed that I forgot what day of the week it was.
I've been listening to Grant Laurence talking about the Bucky Awards on CBC Radio 3, but will soon switch over to the shuffle monster. Thanks for the heads up - that's what blogger buddies are for.
I'm ridiculously excited to start doing these lists since I actually have something to shuffle nowadays.
Dear Dale,
Why no witty comment for me? Just because I'm country doesn't mean that I don't appreciate bon mots from cityslickers.
Who Knows Where the Time Goes-- a cover of the Fairport Convention song ("All your fickle friends/Are leaving.....") One of my favorites. Sandy Denny was the singer on the original-- she sang the back-up on "The Battle of Evermore" on Led Zeppelin IV, the same album that "Stairway to Heaven" was on-- six degrees of Barbara's list...
"Let Me Roll It"-- that whole album, Band on the Run, is one of my favorites. Apparently that song was spoofing John Lennon, who'd taken a swipe at Paul with "How Do You Sleep." In fact, a none-too-subtle swipe. Paul was a little gentler, explaining why he was my favorite Beatle.
Does that mean one more radar lover is gone?
It is indeed Friday Barbara and I'm happy to provide such a valuable service, haha. It's been a Pyjama and lazefest around here for a few days. I'm such a trendsetter.
Get to it Andi! Your lists are bound to be pretty damned eclectic and fine.
Dear Chelena Martina,
This blog strives to be one of inclusion and you're on my list because you've earned it if for no other reason than your brilliant cd Timeless. It manages to pay homage sweetly and with care to many legends of country music and remains a favourite of mine.
You also tutored the Canadian Idol kids this past season and seem to be a gen-u-ine nice person. In short, you are loved.
Johnny Yen - you continue to be a wealth of information musically and otherwise. I didn't mention anything about the song because I didn't know much really so that's good information.
As for Band on the Run, I really loved that album growing up as well but this song in particular which I believe was the closer to Side 2 always got me. In my post, I'd originally started to mention that Paul was not my favourite Beatle but then took it out, perhaps because I feel sorry for him being too stupid to have a prenup with Heather.
Haha, I think it does Old Lady. I been drivin all night my hand's wet on the wheel. This is the second or third time this song has come up after I've done a 'random ten' post. Weird. There's also a scene in an episode of Strangers With Candy where Jerri is listening to the song and driving but paying no attention to the road and with her hands off the wheel. Makes me laugh every time.
Oooh! I want to hear that Mathew/Susana song! Happy last friday of 2006!!!
Any song called Kinichiwa Bitches must be good. I'll have to look that one up. Domo arigoto, Mr. Dale-o.
Happy New Years babe!!!! 2007 and cage free!!!! don'tcha feel liberated!!!
ohhh it is ok, every once in a while you can cum for a little
Dude, hate to tell you but it's Sunday.'m NOT late to the post! Don't be ridiculous!
You were just confused...
*jins head whips around in a circle*
Yes...I've conferred with the other voices in my head and they agree that YOU are wrong.
Happy New Year anyway...have a drinky for me, k?! (Just not Sambuca...cos if you're having it for me you might get randy-ish...but that's a WHOLE post in itself!)
Do I need to make you exercice your memory, DAle??
I could star to write you in french, since you know, every one that are from NB are bilingual!!
Mel, it's a nice tune, the whole cd is. That's what I should have sent you! Next time maybe.
It's a silly sounding little pop number Beckeye but sometimes, you just gotta say Ah-So.
The Shroomy's back and in a fine mood! Happy 2007 coming right up!
Clearly Jin, you are right. Plus I don't want you to open a can of anything on me other than chocolate sauce. Happy Sunday and New Year!
Now Jill, too much exercise is not good for anyone. Have a drink, it's New Year's!
Your lists are always so eclectic! And I thought I was the only one with a soft spot for Robyn.
Although "Let Me Down Easy" remains one of my favorite songs, Bettye's "interpretation" of Fiona Apple's "Sleep to Dream" was limp and somewhat disappointing.
She actually performed here in Detroit last June at a summer festival -- which I did not know until passing by her stage. Even from more than a hundred feet away, that divine voice gave me chills.
And, recalling your previous post, I should invoke the spirit of Bruce Lee to batter whoever hinders my chance at a new, decent year...
One of my few connections to famous people, I used to live two doors down the hall from Susannah Hoffs's husband, Jay Roach (what a great name).
Great lists. All of the genres included. I particularly like, Who Knows Where the Time Goes...such a classic song covered so well by so many....
xoxo and happy new year!!!
Not only did Frida invade my list, but it does so frequently! I love that soundtrack...and I'm not afraid to say I loved the movie, too.
Nice to see someone else knew Robyn Tumuli! I was a little disappointed in Sleep To Dream too but I'll have to look up Let Me Down Easy as I only have a couple of her tunes. Her voice is something else for sure. I hope you don't have to get all Bruce Lee on anyone. Happy 2007 with only good things.
That's pretty cool Chancelucky. What did he do that made you move or vice versa?
Thanks nycb - Happy New Year to you too. Glad you enjoyed the list.
It's a fantastic movie and soundtrack James so I'm glad the fear is basically of the missing limb variety.
Come to think of it, there are some missing limbs in Frida, but only towards the end. Yikes!
The answer's very simple. I graduated from college (still not sure how taht happened).
Jay was a very nice guy and actually used to make a point of commenting on some of the very occasional stuff I'd write for the school newspaper.
Had I only known then that he'd wind up being married to a celebrity and well known in his own right.
So really James, your whole life is basically about missing limbs now?
You'd have what Chancelucky? Remember there are laws!
I suppose, as crass as it sounds, I would have done a better job of staying in touch with the guy.
I suppose you'll live to blog another day Chancelucky even with this terrible turn of events. At least I hope you will!
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