In the time it took me to use my next breath to curse, I'd stepped through a spiderweb this morning worthy of good Charlotte herself.
I felt bad for a moment destroying a night's work done with the noble intent of survival and wondered if I had just condemned a pig to die. But then I thought bacon! and felt a whole lot better.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
A likely story.
I've destroyed more than a few webs myself and it's good to know that I am not the only human on the spider most wanted list.
You have now become Dale of mass destruction!!
My wife had BBQ-bacon on her cob salad last night at the Hard Rock Cafe and I must say it was pretty damn good.
Bacon is nature's perfect food because it tastes good on just about everything,--although I haven't tried it with ice cream, yet. Mmmm, pralines & cream & bacon...
How eerie. I just walked through a giant web myself. Had a big chunky spider there the other day. Sure hope it's not now crawling about IN MY HAIR! EEEEE!
Oh what a tangled web I step into. I hadn't even had coffee yet. Quite traumatic CP.
We're all in for it once they organize Write Procrastinator.
Stop using Dale as a weapon Jill.
Cobb salad's magically delicious T. I don't know if I'd try the ice cream but I'm not saying I wouldn't.
I'd rather have a spider in my hair than catch a moth sitting on me Pink Fluffy.
I'm laughing so hard at CP's comment, mostly because I immediately starting singing in that weird Gwen Stefani warble upon reading your post.
Dale, did you leave a note and your insurance information?
Dale, in memory of our special moments together creating paper snowflakes, I'm guessing I'm in the will.
Is it wrong to expect this? Have you left me a lot of money? Please put it in U.S. currency before you "go."
Ummmm. Bacon.
That's some story.
Did you cry like a big girl and dance around like an idiot slapping off the spider that may or may not have been in the web? Cause that's what I do whenever I walk through one. Lucky enough for me, I married a giant, so I make him walk in front of me and catch all the webs.
I hope you noticed 'No Doubt' in the labels Beckeye. It popped into my head and even not knowing any of the words but Spiderwebs doesn't mean it isn't torturing me.
I'm weaving my info into a little mat to leave outside the door Chelene.
Where there's a will, they may be a way Zed but don't count on it just in case.
Slaygirl! Hello there! And yes, bacon, it's not just for breakfast anymore.
Well, it's not Terrific or Radiant but I tried Bubs.
This time I just swore and batted at the webs Christie, next time, I send a giant out there first, great idea!
Spiders probably taste just as good as pig.
I miss bacon.
I do the Christie dance as well because I'm over-paranoid about spiders. I'd much rather be wrapping myself in bacon.
Well, if you stepped through the spiderweb, and it had a message written into it, then I can understand you being annoyed if you didn't get to read the message before you stomped on it.
Did you think about bacon, or Canadian bacon?
How should I use you as, then??
I always feel better when I think about bacon. That's really just solid life advice.
They sure crisp up nicely John.
Allison! You're Miss Bacon?!
Where do you put the toothpick Genn?
I think of regular bacon X. Dell, that other stuff's too hammy.
Use me as a cautionary tale Jill.
We're sharing a brain Pistols at Dawn, or at least a stomach.
So are you the big bad wolf??
My CEO just tore up his knee walking through a spider web. That Charlotte is one tough bitch!
Yes Jill, but prettier.
Haha Beth, were they steel spiderwebs or what?!
they don't make toothpicks that big dale, I just have to stay still and not roll around too much
I'm not sure I approve of you just laying there Genn, more fun to roll around a little.
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