If tomorrow is anything like today, I'll see:
-- two citizens of the homeless variety making out in a sleeping bag in the park near my office while two security guards chuckle at them on their smoke break
-- a full sized refrigerator with the doors on, a stained mattress and boxspring and bags of garbage on the site of a charity clothing donation box that's been removed from a plaza near my home because people keep using it as a dump
-- this image, at once frightening and beautiful
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
But was there a pizza at the donation box?
I love pizza and babies.
And you Dale.
Winter, I love you. Come and look at my baby.
There was no evidence of a pizza kit there or I might have stopped.
Me too Winter!
Me too Winter!
I think she's already seen the baby Tanya.
"two citizens of the homeless variety making out in a sleeping bag in the park near my office while two security guards chuckle at them on their smoke break."
Dude, let Paris Hilton get her freak on in peace, jeez.
Alexander says: I crush you with my pizza love!
Babies with pizza beat fornicating homeless people any day of the week.
...that depends how hot the homeless people are.
Am I the only one who thinks this is sad?
If only the fornicating homeless people had been making their lovelies in the vicinity of the fridge and mattress, it would have been a lovely homelife moment.
Dale,let that poor kid alone!! Poor poor child, you already have an influence on his life!!
Tanya, how could you let this happen??
I thought the tale of homeless love with the police looking on was sweet in a Norman Rockwell kind of way.
Two hearts, two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love
I'll be a fool for you
I'm sure
'Cause baby you, you mean the world to me
Oh I know I found you in my homeless love
For me, one of the best things about life is that you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow. Unless, of course, you are in a coma in the hospital. Then your day is pretty well set.
Oh, very cute Tanya. Adorable even.
The baby and the pizza smell better than the fornicating homeless couple.
How hot were these homeless folks, again? If not ... ewww ... bloody gross, mate.
Sounds like a typical day in my city. Unfortunately, the guards are also likely to be homeless, with no donation centers in sight.
I didn't see an image of Paris on the sleeping bag nor did it look like the guy was Jesus so it couldn't have been her Write Procrastinator. And that baby is in fine crushing form isn't he?
They beat them with pizza boxes which the homeless later use for shelter Chelene so it's all good.
They've got the dirrrty thing down pat Anandamide so hot must follow.
It was a little sad Tenacious S but there must be laughter through the tears or all is lost. Unless you're talking about the last link in the post and Tanya's parenting skills.
I'm hoping this blog brings them together, I'm pretty sure there's wireless access in the park Beth.
Tanya doesn't make a move without me Jill.
Oh Flannery! You win! I started out with 'what's that song?' and then realized and still the last line hit me like a stale loaf of bread. Hilarious.
Astute observation Pezda and another unexpectedly beautiful yet hilarious comment. Yeah, that Tanya thing too.
I don't know Bubs, Tanya had to call me for cooking instructions and who knows how long that baby's been soaking in it.
Not so hot Larry H., more like sweaty hot.
Sad sights abound Tumuli and it all gets to be too much sometimes until you read everyone's comments.
We weren't making out, we were exchanging valuable lipid strains the other can't produce naturally. So f you, security guards!
Kids are cute for about ten seconds, until their parents take them back to the abandoned refrigerators they keep them in.
One of the images seared onto my brain, that I'd like to erase, is of the two disabled people I would see almost daily on my walk from the office to the train at the end of the day. They were both wheelchair bound but found a way to eat each other's mouths while they waited for the bus.
Don't be a hater,
Homeless people need love too.
...sometimes in the park.
Ewww. Seeing anybody make out in public is gross. Seeing gross people make out in public makes it that much grosser.
Yes, was the refrigerator filled with Kraft Pizza in a Box?
In my town, we have a French-Canadian sculptor who takes people's old refrigerators and turns them into large cartoon-like works that decorate their neighbors' front lawns.
We could send him to Ontario, if that would help.
The guards shouldn't have shown their disrespect like that, for the act of lovemaking is beautiful and integral to the health of the species.
The guards should have videotaped them instead, allowing them to laugh within the privacy of their homes.
And yet, no one has removed the park although homeless people use it as a seedy motel room.
My web browser won't let me open your image link. Does that mean it's NSFW?
I can't wait to see you on the Discovery Channel, Pustules at Dawn!
They only appeared conjoined I guess huh Valerie?
Deadspot strikes again
A comment in haiku form
Rocks the sleeping bag
I'm with you Johnny. I believe that public displays of affection is a leading cause of homelessness.
I will give up Kraft pizza for 2 whole weeks if you get him to come to Ontario and beautify the place a little Chancelucky, those are some amazing pieces on the website.
I'm convinced we're all on someone's Christmas party gag reel for one crime or another X. Dell.
Will you help me start an email campaign Beckeye?
The link is fixed CP, someone had a blog fart and ruined it. No names. Tanya.
Aw homeless love! And then afterwards they can have pizza! good day out for all...
I can't get laid, but homeless people make out in broad daylight? What sort of crazy planet do we live on?
Also, what a cute damn baby.
Dale, even Alexander has already figured out that Kraft pizza is the pits. And he's what? 5-6 weeks old?
I'd get the baby away from that as soon as possible. For a number of reasons.
Well, at least tomorrow I won't be surprised.
Don't pick on the homeless, -they keep my windshield clean and all I have to give them in return is a nice 89cent bottle of port I keep stored in the back seat of my Porsche. (I always store my recreational booze back there because there's no room for my hooker.)
Beth beat me to the comment. I was thinking all you needed was a Justice of the Peace and they could live happily ever after just putting those things together.(ok perhaps an extention cord for the refrig and a set of pillows.)0
All joking aside, I never gave thought to how homeless folks ummm...errr... are intimate. Not a pretty mental picture... and I wonder if they are often arrested for indecent exposure...
P.S. Funny 'spot dude, funny 'spot. You've been linked whether you like it or not. T
It really is a circle of life kind of thing Freelance.
You want me to throw your name around a little Bella?
That baby's not human Zed so I wouldn't put too much stock in what he says.
Did you mean get the baby away from his parents Coaster Punchman? I agree, many reasons for that.
Yet another service I provide Wonderturtle - no sudden moves.
Now I love backseat driving T. It's nice to hear the humanitarian perspective.
Tori Spelling would probably marry them in her driveway Kate, she's ordained now I read somewhere.
Glad you like T. For a small amount of cheap booze, I will link you too.
Ain't love grand?
Love is like oxygen Old Lady.
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