Blogging sensation Write Procrastinator has a shiny new blog in addition to his excellent one already in progress.
It's called The Bad Lieutenant's Wife for a good reason. It's a spot for some fun movie title combining which I'd enjoy a whole lot more if I wasn't so terrible at it.
The rules are pretty simple and are on his site.
Play. Or one of Jerry's kids gets it.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Fun site. I spent some time nosing around.
BTW, I think Jerry's kids already have it. That's why he holds the telethon every year.
Oh man, I really suck badly at that game, brilliant idea though it is! I am not smarter than a 5th grader obviously.
You're right X. Dell, I stand corrected and ridiculous and snorting, an attractive mix.
I figured you'd be a whiz Barbara, should we be doing it with album titles?
Album covers spring to mind more easily, yeah. With films I get one great title and then am left with a massive headache trying to find a mate. Sort of like when I play Scrabble and really get into it.
Fun! Thanks for the link to it...
First, I thought you did pretty damn good and second? Thank you very, very, much for the link.
It's a great idea! I added a few.
We're sharing a very massive headache then Barbara.
No, thank you Flannery Alden for playing the home game.
Selfishly, I just want to see what other people do with your idea Write Procrastinator. And, they're all pretty damned good as it turns out.
Oh, I wouldn't read any of yours Chris. I didn't mean you.
BTW, dale cheers for the link. Noticing increased traffic from P of the D.
My pleasure GT, I use my links list as a place to keep my favourites close at hand.
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