When I saw this, I thought, no, they'll definitely outlast the photo!
But the greater wisdom and funnier line comes from Kirelimel on Melinda June's blog post about Anna Nicole when she said "Thousands of years from now, archeologists will wonder why we buried women with sacks of silicon".
Maybe future anthropologists will think that women provided the basic material for computer chips?
BTW, I thought that was one of the funnier lines I've read in any blog.
I guess that's why saline is the way to go. IT was the strangest thing when I criticized Kellie Pickler for getting her breasts enhanced, her fans started swearing at me that it couldn't possibly be true, that she gained twenty pounds in a year, and that fifteen of them were in one place.
I wanna get me some fake boobs....
mine are nice and all but I really like the stipper gone porno look... it suits my slutty personality...
The archeologists will eventually figure out that the sacks of silicone were control devises, implanted to keep the women from running. And they will be right.
I love playing the guessing game.
When asked the other day if I thought someone's boobs were fake, I explained that "God doesn't love anyone that much."
What are those?
If the sacs don't rise up and attack, ala "Terminator 2."
Has anyone seen "A Scanner Darkly?" Did Winona Ryder get "enhanced?"
Dale! You need to be more careful! I clicked to come to your blog & those things nearly poked my eyes out before the whole page was even loaded!!!
Sheesh! You sure know how to scare a sweet innocent wholesome girl like myself.
WV = frghty
(Yep, that's how those things look!)
Perfectly beautiful train of thought.
Are you downloading photos of me from my blog again, Dale?
Have you been watching old re-runs of Anna Nichole's show again Dale?
i could never understand buying shirts with snarky remarks about lookin at breasts printed right across the breasts!! i figure if your going to have something printed across the breasts... shouldn't it be something like "Boyant" or "My Flotation Devices!" or "Look but Dont Touch.." so on
It may depend on the hills and valleys X. Dell. I thought it was brilliant too and full props to Kirelimel.
We may just have to wait for the career autopsy to know for sure Chancelucky.
Make sure to take lots of before shots right now and post or email them Shroom Monkey.
You stopped me and made me think Barbara, do you really want to hurt me?
The perfect comeback which I will now steal and use Winter. When did you become so giving?
They're words Grant, you just don't recognized them stretched like that.
Haven't seen it WP, if they sell them in department stores, she might have picked some new ones up. Poor Noni.
I read your comment as whoresome first Jin but of course knew that couldn't be right. Always don protective eyewear when bloghopping.
Hello Old Lady. I'm glad you didn't call derailment.
Didn't think you'd mind Beth. You've got a bodacious heart.
I've never seen the old show Bluez although her new one seems pretty sad. What a mess.
You should market some Yasamin! But only sell them in small sizes okay? :-)
lmao! hahahah flat hotness?
Dale, you know we all love reading your blog. You don't have to go putting up boob pictures and talking about boobs and all.
Still, better safe than sorry. Keep those thoughtful and thought-provoking breast features coming!
Pictures of gigantic tits on your blog, Daley?
I thought you wrote about was opera and your Angela's Ashes childhood ...
Lol, just kidding. I liked that joke, btw.
Aye karumbah!
You can call them your Bustin' Loose line Yas.
I'm going for Humanitarian Blog of the Minute Bubs.
Who needs labels right Reese? Haha, from now on, I may just label everything Angela's Ashes, Opera.
Well put Mel. Hope your hand's better soon!
I believe Patsy referred to graves filled with nothing but bones & bumps.
I think it was a bone keeping all that hair up on her head CP.
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