A girl at work yesterday kept touching a blemish on the side of her lip while she was talking to me. It didn't distract me much because she never has much that's interesting to say. I continued watching and not listening for a while but finally had to break out and say,
-You know, you really shouldn't keep touching that.
*This? It's nothing.
-Well, it looks...like a cold sore. (in my best Jerri Blank voice)
*No, it looks like my boyfriend punched me in the mouth.
-Yeah, with his lips
My arm's still sore but I think it was worth it.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
You're a far braver man than I, Gunga Dale.
It was worth it, all right.
By the way, while we're on the subject of cold sores, I think I may have finally found something more mortifying than watching tv with your teen daughters when boner medicine ads come on: that's watching tv with your daughters when herpes treatment ads come on. The jury is still out on those KY ads, but they're moving up quickly in the rankings.
Give 'em hell, Dale! It was worth it for sure!
haha Bubs, it's like my mother-in-law always says about the tampon commercials: "next thing you know, they're going to be showing you how to put them in".
And now I've forgotten what I came here to say.
She usually just tells me to feck off WP, this time she got violent.
Bubs, nice squeamish factor there. Someone just mentioned those KY ads to me and then related a very personal story.
It seemed worth it to me too Chris.
Nice one Barbara's mother in law! Haha. First we showed you how to harness the power of the wings, now we're going to show you where to put all that power!
Can't come close to hearing a co- worker talk to her gynecologist about her yeast infection and that not so fresh feeling. Its even worse if you know what she looks like.....
I don't feel fresh even reading that comment Bluez! Thanks.
I think here in California, you would have been sued for sexual harrassment.....
Canada does sound like it's more fun.
that's nauseating.... love that you said something to her. that's funny.
listen to me, the fuckin howard kossell of zits. oy vey.
Even when we sexually harass Chancelucky, we're polite about it. We're fun when we're not busy worrying.
I'll pretty much say anything at times Katie because I've found both my feet fit in my mouth anyway.
Pop on over, "you've got hair!"
You've got hair is one of the best invites ever WP. I could just curl up and dye.
You are one in a million Mr. Dale!
*jin giggles out loud*
*her husband asks her what's so funny*
*jin answers, "nothing."*
OH! I know! You are one of my guilty pleasures & I must keep you a secret!!!
That's probably a good thing Old Lady.
I don't mind being part of a secret. I'm a man of many Jin.
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