I was reading n.v.'s hilarious take on the American Idolatry peformances and then my brain
When I see contestant Phil Stacey, I think of chemotherapy. I just do.
And when I think of all the chemo patients I've loved before, Gilda Radner pops into my head. I wish I was watching her instead.
Gilda's Live From New York show was a favourite of mine before I ever saw the videotape of it. I had the soundtrack record and it was nearly as funny even without the visual cues. I wish they'd release it on dvd. It's always something I guess.

Thinking about the fun of the opening song Let's Talk Dirty To The Animals.mp3 made me go in search of video clips of her doing the song.
Instead of finding my beloved Gilda, I found clips of Drag Queens doing lip synchs of the song, not quite the same thing.
To clear my head, I remembered back to the sweetest closing number a show may have ever had -- Honey (Touch Me With My Clothes On).mp3.
I listened to the song again and it made me think back to a simpler time when life wasn't so complicated.
And then I thought, how will I ever find a moment like this of my own if I don't put some clothes on?
I miss Gilda RAdner too. I call the show American Eyeball partly as a tribute to Emily Letella.
Although I am a fellow Gilda lover, I hate that "I love to be unhappy" number because Mindy said it reminded her of me (back when I was a basket case most of the time.) Bitch.
That's a nice tribute Chancelucky. In regards to my chemo comments, I guess I should have gone with a cankers can be beaten remark.
So, you're saying you're better now CP? Oh. I still love that song because as everyone knows, ...my life is overdone...
Hahah, good stuff thanks for sharing!
I loved Gilda. She was hilarious.
By the way, I thought that was a picture of Boy George sans makeup, of course.
Oops! That was me using one of my many Ninja aliases by mistake. Don't speak of this again or I'll have to kill you...or something.
I think of Gilda's "Emily," everytime I mishear something or have a brain fart.
So that's not Howie Mandel in the first photo?
You're welcome MT.
Good call on the Boy George there Cute Chelene. Is it another C word that you'll use if I mention your monikers again?
Emily reads a story called Tiny Kingdom in this show I believe WP which is quite funny.
Good call but no deal Mob.
I like the way your mind works, Dale.
Gilda Radner was the theme to the crossword puzzle I did last night!
I think that putting clothes on makes for a more elaborate and complicated life, even if it simplifies the odd moment from time to time.
Gilda is a favorite. Brunegilda, Emily, Lisa Lubner, The Judy Show, Candy, Roseanne Roseannadana... She could always make me laugh. I wish I could find a DVD too. My tape is wearing thin. You're too young to have seen her in the original SNL, right??
Penny Larceny doesn't do her justice.
I still know all the words to Talk Dirty and Love to Be Unhappy, and if I'm drunk I can usually conjure up Gimme Mick.
Gilda Radner was a genius.
Who the hell is Phil Stacey?
I thought that was Britney.
Must you?
Nice, Dale. Gilda was one in a million.
Maybe you're not meant to keep your clothes on. Have you considered that?
Clearly, Flannery Alden, you are a genius of the highest order. Would a genius of the lowest order be so bad though I wonder?
Gilda is the answer to all puzzles Grant Miller.
Mistress la spliffe - the truth and simplicity of your statement makes me want to call you and ask you questions.
Although I may sound like a snotty young imbecile JM, I assure you I'm a creepy old beast. I remember Gilda from way back. Penny (love the name) Larceny was the best of the few I checked out.
I'm getting you drunk then Melinda June -- I'll do my 'If you look close, you can see my tits cause I want you to but don't want you to know that I do...' and you can do your '...babies hair, bulgin' eyes, lips so thick, are you woman are you man I'm your biggest funked up fan, so rock me and roll me til I'm sick...' Hic.
He's already lasted longer on American Idol than Britney did in rehab Skincarver.
I don't have to Winter. How you doing?
She was so damned great Ten S, a great loss.
If I didn't scare others so easily Beth, I might dispense with them altogether.
Wasn't Phil Stacey in that Motley Crue video for "Smokin' in the Boys Room?"
Wonderful Dale. Wonderful.
Those are some fine segues from AI to chemo to Gilda Radner. It's a gift to be able to make those deft shifts. Why don't we see any bald drag queens?
Gilda's wicked cool, but Penny Larceny? Internet searches are so damn unpredictable!
As the crisp fresh white cigarette, yes, Beckeye.
Nice warm comment for a bitterly cold day Winter. Thanks.
Are you thinking of balled drag queens Barbara? (W)hole different thing.
At least it was a worthy enough name Angela!
I had this delightful image of Gilda Radner singing this funny song, but then I got this image of you without clothes. Oh the humanity.
That was a mean trick wasn't it X. Dell? I'll try not to mix poignant and horror next time.
Gilda was a hot Jewess. Remember Jewess Jeans? Sigh.
Dale - how funny that you have that song on the brain. I've been schooling myself in old school Chicago comedy and I've been obsessed with that song for months now. I like to sing it on the train while I'm on the train to class at Second City. (Sing in my head, not out loud.)
"Never tell an alligator 'bite my snatch'."
I remember Jewess Jeans and so much more n.v., loved her!
Probably best that you sing it in your head Bella. I'm still deciding whether to bid or not on your stage fright, what a great idea!!
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