When an editor starts off with 'We want this to be a two way dialogue' and then offers no means with which to submit comments or feedback, you know you're off to a running (and screaming) start.
Atop a photo of two of the largest and in chargest volunteers ever seen involved in a food drive was the caption FOOD of LIFE. The way these guys were grinning, you'd think they'd just won food for life instead of having been out collecting it. I'm waiting for the follow up story 200 CANS OF FOOD MISSING!
The feature on the sculpture outside the building in a parkette was a piece of art in itself. The sculpture by Anish Kapoor is called Untitled but for clarity's sake when it's referred to in print, it's generally called Untitled (Mountain). I wonder why? Notably, it's valued at 10 million dollars.

I saw Mr. Kapoor's Sky Mirror installation in New York once on a visit and thought it was interesting if not particularly enthralling but then art is such a subjective thing.
From the newsletter:
...public art isn't supposed to grab you and shake you every time you walk past. Its purpose is to just be there and every once in a while give you pause, connect you to a satisfying thought and hopefully, every so often, assault you with its beauty.
So, not only is there joy in knowing that local seagulls really seem to enjoy their 10 million dollar toilet but now I know people are being assaulted by its beauty, at least every so often.
What wonders await in the next issue? As long as they give me pause and connect me to a satisfying thought, I say write on.
I hate it when art grabs me and shakes me. I much prefer to be gently assaulted while lost in thought.
p.s. - there is NO WAY there is that much grass in T.O. already???
I wonder if anyone will impale themselves on the Noname Mountain.
Beauties never assault me. At least, not in a good way.
I'm all for public art, but it always amazes me how much its worth.
Don't you often feel when you see a piece of sculpture you could do a better job? I often wonder what makes great art great art, but then again like you said, art is subjective.
Looks like bad papier mache from here.
"We want this to be a two way dialogue"
Dale, you should put flyers around the property saying...
So break out the crystals and work extra hard on your psychic projections, we have Miss Cleo and Sylvia Browne on standby.
I'm with Berry, art should kiss me, before it has it's way with me against my will.
I'd put Chicago's massive polished steel bean against any $10 million mountain.
Dale, you are so beautiful, I am going to have to have you arrested for assault.
I named a cat Untitled once and thought I was pretty damn clever, but the joke got old quickly and she just became Cat again.
So Dale you should go try and meet these building management newsletter writers and tell them you want to dialogue with them.
'We want this to be a two way dialogue'--
Sounds like it's time to grab the spraycan and open the dialogue, graphitti style!
Feel free to use the 'Dear Bastards' opening if you feel that it applies...
"A texas jury today awarded Mark Andrews $20,000,000 today after he was assualted by a work of art."
You wanna be assaulted by beauty? Check out my fair city's public art. Imagine if that thing tried to assault you.
When I was a sixth grade teacher, we were required to do a monthly newsletter for the parents. It was quite thrilling.
"It's March, and we're doing exponents!" Oh boy.
Bubs--Kapoor, the guy who did Dales sculpture, also did the Bean.
I can't really tell how forced the perspective of this photograph might be. But I'm guessing that at $10 million, this sculpture costs about $50 a pound--and that's in Canadian dollars.
If it draws the aim of the local birds away from your car or your lapel, I'd say you got a bargain.
But that's just my opinion. After all, I want this to be a two-way dialogue.
First, I was looking for the photo of the 2 food drive guys and thought they were the mountain.
Second, "Being assaulted by beauty" sounds like a line from a Leonard Cohen song.
I guess that makes sense, since the guy's Canadian.
yahmmmhmmm. The art comment is a bit funky. I don't think I want to be assaulted by beauty either. Or grabbed and shaken by art for that matter eesh!
There could be because the snow is gone and it's warming up but that's an old photo Berry. Sorry to shake you.
I wouldn't mind if that happened to any one of the idiots who feeds their lunch remains to the seagulls Tanya.
You just have to stand vewy vewy still Deadspot. And with your name and avatar, how hard could that be?
Allison, I don't mind it generally either but yes, how the hell do they determine its worth? Is it by how much we hate it?
Yes Bluez I do. There are a lot of pieces strewn about the downtown core here that I really do not like. Maybe they are assaulting me and I'm too stupid to like it.
It's layers of some sort of metal Chelene. It was done on a computer and is a bit like an an outdoor topographical map. Real pretty.
Psychic friends unite! I like your ideas Write Procrastinator and the delicate way you put that. Art might not even rough you up so much now.
I saw your bean (that wasn't supposed to sound like that) when I was looking up Mr. Kapoor's other work. With the bean, at least you can see if there's anything in your teeth.
Barbara, I love it when you talk dirty. There will be handcuffs right? Saucy!
Maybe I'll ask them to rename the newsletter UNTITLED after your CAT Pink Fluffy Slippers. Lucky for them, I'm the only person I know that read it at all.
Your continued brilliance Mob is why I've kept you on the payroll lo these many years. I'm going to pick up some paint and extra attitude today!
I want a cut of that cash Freelance Cynic! Art never buys me dinner before it bends me over either. WTF?
Free to be Flannery Alden. Is that what it says? I'm glad you've taken it on and done so well in the job F.A.
Johnny Yen, I'm sure it was a laugh riot! Although if you did it, it probably was interesting. And yes, Anish (special) K. did your Cloud Gate. Small world (with mirrors).
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for your comments. We endeavor to read all comments but may not be able to respond in every case. Your feedback is very important to us and we encourage you to write anytime with ideas and suggestions.
Thank you,
Unsigned (The Editorial Staff)
It seemed to me I might be asking for more trouble than it was worth by putting in a photo of the two guys Chancelucky. So that's just the guy on the left. I photoshopped the other one out. I'm pretty sure I've used lines like assaulted by beauty but I hope to better effect.
I think I'd rather be shaken, not stirred Mellowlee but otherwise, stay on your own side of the bed Art!
There could be because the snow is gone and it's warming up but that's an old photo Berry. Sorry to shake you.
I wouldn't mind if that happened to any one of the idiots who feeds their lunch remains to the seagulls Tanya.
You just have to stand vewy vewy still Deadspot. And with your name and avatar, how hard could that be?
Allison, I don't mind it generally either but yes, how the hell do they determine its worth? Is it by how much we hate it?
Yes Bluez I do. There are a lot of pieces strewn about the downtown core here that I really do not like. Maybe they are assaulting me and I'm too stupid to like it.
It's layers of some sort of metal Chelene. It was done on a computer and is a bit like an an outdoor topographical map. Real pretty.
Psychic friends unite! I like your ideas Write Procrastinator and the delicate way you put that. Art might not even rough you up so much now.
I saw your bean (that wasn't supposed to sound like that) when I was looking up Mr. Kapoor's other work. With the bean, at least you can see if there's anything in your teeth.
Barbara, I love it when you talk dirty. There will be handcuffs right? Saucy!
Maybe I'll ask them to rename the newsletter UNTITLED after your CAT Pink Fluffy Slippers. Lucky for them, I'm the only person I know that read it at all.
Your continued brilliance Mob is why I've kept you on the payroll lo these many years. I'm going to pick up some paint and extra attitude today!
I want a cut of that cash Freelance Cynic! Art never buys me dinner before it bends me over either. WTF?
Free to be Flannery Alden. Is that what it says? I'm glad you've taken it on and done so well in the job F.A.
Johnny Yen, I'm sure it was a laugh riot! Although if you did it, it probably was interesting. And yes, Anish (special) K. did your Cloud Gate. Small world (with mirrors).
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for your comments. We endeavor to read all comments but may not be able to respond in every case. Your feedback is very important to us and we encourage you to write anytime with ideas and suggestions.
Thank you,
Unsigned (The Editorial Staff)
It seemed to me I might be asking for more trouble than it was worth by putting in a photo of the two guys Chancelucky. So that's just the guy on the left. I photoshopped the other one out. I'm pretty sure I've used lines like assaulted by beauty but I hope to better effect.
I think I'd rather be shaken, not stirred Mellowlee but otherwise, stay on your own side of the bed Art!
Despite this blasphemous post, that is still the greatest Jane Siberry album. Or, it's the only Jane Siberry album I own currently. But I'm into it.
I love blaspheming! It makes me feel sexy CP! I'm going to make you the ultimate Siberry CD one of these days before she changes her name yet again.
that is fuckin hilar squared! omg. are you sure it's seagull shit and not giz? who doesn't want to jerk off on a mountain, mock or otherwise?!
I never even thought of that Katie, of course, it's the seagulls jerking off all over it.
Some times I wonder what some people are thinking about when they purchase public art. Plant some damn trees for Chrissake's! We have enough 'man made' buildings outside.
Steps off soapbox and stalks off in a huff.
No need to step down yet Old Lady. I'm with you on the just plant trees!
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