Some blogs, I'll admit, I only read for the pictures. Not Flannery Alden's though. Because she's into begging for it, I sent a few interview questions her way. In a spectacular display of blogging prowess, she captivated, fawned, threw in the word egress, and answered stuff.
Proceed with whimsy.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
daleish, you are as endearing and charming as you are hilar squared. loved that interview. your questions are really too much!
wow...if I beg, can I also get an interview? eh....just a thought. maybe i'll just drive with a baby on my lap, or shave my head, to get more exposure.
Great blog!
Her answers were perfect though don't you think Katie?
Hi Marjie. You might not even have to beg. Email me if you want some questions. Buy the hat before you shave the head, just saying.
Flannery is a hoot. I'd bet she'll write a crackerjack novel.
Thanks for the interview, Dale!
She is a hoot and I'm pretty sure she doesn't pollute X. Dell.
You're welcome Flannery. You don't pollute do you?
fun intereview, thanks for sending me over to Flanery's site.
My pleasure Chancelucky, she's a good read!
Cheeky monkey aren't you?
Why yes, yes I am, CP.
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