My new agent,
Sans Pantaloons has been keeping me pretty busy with public appearances, motorcades and the like so I've scarcely had time to play among the blogs.
After my last few obligations are complete* I should be back writing my little heart out.

perfecting Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 on the Nintendo Wii
You are virtually an athlete.
Which one is you again? On the horse at the left?
LOL! Love the pic!
Well, don't you look statesman-like.
Hold on to that controller, Dale. You don't want it going into the TV.
Well, if you need an agent to play bideo games, he might as well be pantsless.
Seems to me you have your priorities straight.
We Are All Sans Pantaloons!
No kidding Dale. The Internets are just not the same without you.
Whoa... no word verification OR comment approvals? Can the readers of CPW take credit, please?
Looks like CP!
Gee, I never pictured you with gray hair as in the photo, but it does make you look distinguished. That should be a big plus when you hit the virtual tour.
Kim's best friend got a wii. Yes, they broke the chandalier in the living room immediately, and yes her whole family, inlcluding her 80+ year old father. If you wanted to invade a country, all you'd have to do is drop those things out of airplanes beforehand....
Hey-- maybe that can be the exit strategy out of Iraq....
should have read "including her 80+ year old father are addicted to it. No more three martini school lunches...
Dammit! I take another blog-cation, and miss out on the good parade.
I see you've got the Queen's royal wave down nicely.
Haha, I love that photo! I agree with CP, the Internets are NOT the same without you. Miss ya Dale
You are even hotter with a military escort!
At least you are not wearing your plaid suit!!!
Good things come in threes Mel. Like ha.
I'm virtually a lot of things Barbara. Damn, that wasn't nearly as clever as your comment.
I am the horse.
Pretty funny isn't it Valerie?
I do, but only when my head's attached to a statesman Beckeye.
The wrist strap comes in handy WP.
Thank you X. Dell, video games always win over less mindless pursuits.
I hope we all are Pink Fluffy Slippers! It adds to the sexy factor on our blogs.
Aw, that's nice of you to say CP, the same goes for you. And yes, CPW gets full credit for my loss of control.
Any resemblance to CP is purely coincidental Old Lady, except for the plastic surgery I've been undergoing to look more like him.
Doc, I insist you describe your full mental picture of me so I can dispel everything.
You're a thinking man and a strategist Johnny Yen, good work! The damned things are too addictive not to work. And I'm all for 3 martini lunches at all mealtimes.
Don't worry Beth, I'll stage another one for you if we can our timing together.
That's pretty funny CP, Helen Mirren taught me how to do it. I told you I went drinking with her in London right?
You're sweet Mel and yes, the photo's pretty funny. That Sans Pantaloons is a talented soul.
Just wait til I send them and your husband and kids away Flannery! Thank you for not saying 'hawt'.
It's at the cleaners Jill.
"Hawt" is not in my lexicon. Oh, wait...I just used it in a sentence! Noooooo!
Flannery, I am so sorry to have put you under such strain. Please accept this empty apology as apology.
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