One of my friends sent me some sort of Tagged email and I inadvertently hit something that 'tagged' everyone in my address book.
I haven't even inspectigated what it's all about so feel free to either 'be my friend' or ignore me as you please.
I'm ridonkulous.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
Jeez, I wondered about that...after I signed friggin' up!
that's unpossible!
Heh, it must have ended up in my spam folder, unless it was from your other email account. So did you check out the tagged email yet?
I wondered what was up with that... after long and deliberate consideration - say, about a second and a half, I said "yes." : )
I looked in my spam folder from filling out one survey and had 1255 spam. Sorry Dale, I love ya but I hate spam....spam spam spam
You're like me Tanya, the blind leading the stupid or something like that.
Anything you can't do, I can't do better Splotchy.
Possibly MellowLee although it picked up my gmail address and not my regular top secret email. I guess it's just one more way to socially network like I ever would! :-)
You Johnny are a faithful 'friend'. This is why I can count on you and your blog.
I'm pink, therefore I'm spam. Argue that Bluez.
When you said "ridonkulous", I think we all died a little inside.
The same thing happened to me!!! I killed my account at tagged just to watch it die.
Flannery, I didn't know I could murder the account, but I just did it! Thanks for the idea.
Now if I could just quit responding to the other emails I get and give my penis a chance to rest while I sign up for a new mortgage.
Tagged again? You must be the universal "it."
I didn't get anything.
Should I be hurt?
wag the dale?! do you have any idea how much restraint I need to exercise right now?! omg squared.
we dished the tag...
Wow, glad I caught this post. I was trying to make sense of what was.
From a guy named Deadspot, that's kind of fitting! I keep seeing those stupid tv commercials where the gnome says it. Blame him.
You live without fear Flannery Alden. This is to be admired.
I knew you had it in you Tanya. Think on that.
Cousin It I guess X. Dell.
Since you refuse to answer my email pleas Winter, you're off the list.
We dished it indeed JewGirl. Restraint? I know nothing of this concept.
Sorry about that Chancelucky, it was a slip of the click and confusion reigned lo these many hours.
Don't believe the "accidently" part of it...
I long ago stopped believing anything I say Jill.
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