Beckeye honoured me with allowing me an interview with her recently.
The ticking was so loud that I cobbled together a few questions for her (including limited time only bonus questions). You will soon learn that she has one hand on the glorious mess that is pop culture and the other on my ass.
Egg tempera weirdo
5 weeks ago
I'd pay good money to see an Interview-Off Death Match bewtixt you and Beckeye. Now that's blood sport!
At least this time I remembered to read the labels before making an inane comment. (Insert inane comment here.)
How much cash are we talking Barbara?
Inane, insane or just plain commenty type comments are allowed CP.
somewhere between 10 and 15 bucks - the standard rate for this sort of event.
I'm in.
Am I supposed to interview you now that bets are being made?
By the way, my favorite Squeeze song is "Another Nail for My Heart," so why don't you just change the title again. ;)
Thanks for choosing a song that I can happily hum along with instead of smashing my head into the wall desperately trying to beat the devil's tunesmith out of my brain.
Ohhhh That was a fun interview! You should totally do it full time.
I'm not sure Barbara will actually cough up the cash but if you'd like to, I'm good to go Beckeye.
Another Nail...was in the running Beckeye but now I'm just too lazy to do anything about it. Does that drive another nail in?
See Ten. S.? Everything I do, I do it for you, and me, and Beckeye and everyone else. It's the fresh new kind Dale but I'm sure I'll be back to my tortuous ways shortly.
Are you asking for it Freelance?
Hmm.. Intrestin' Business.. Eh !!
It may not be cash that I cough up, but certainly a reasonable substitute (a lung perhaps?)
Does she has a hand full??
Glenn Tilbrook performed "Up the Junction" when I saw him in January.
Fairly interesting Am in Trance. Snap out of it.
No organ meats please Barbara, thanks.
More than a handful's a waste, your people said it Jill.
Show off Beth! Making my Beckeye jealous but soon to be vindicated.
Dale, you pledge devotion and quote Bryan Adams at the same time? You are the devil.
That reminds me of a post to share Ten. S. I must say 'every little thing you do is magic'.
Very good questions, Dale. Perhaps you might considering doing that for a living.
It wouldn't be a bad gig X. Dell. I can read a bio and ask a few questions as well as anyone I suppose.
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