
Cottage Life

This morning I rose to meet the sun. Before it had a chance to warm me, the coffee did, its swirls of steam vainly trying to echo the mist on the river. I sat on the dock and saw myself reflected, not in the water, but in the quiet.


Chancelucky said...

Nice description Dale. Glad you got free of your neighbors :}

Tanya Espanya said...

Dale, that is so beautiful. I'm glad you had a good time. (although it would have been better if I'd been there.)

Anonymous said...

Had that sort of morning this morning, except I was on the Northumberland strait. Still lovely.

Jake's Mom said...


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...


Anonymous said...

How poetic!

Johnny Yen said...

That was a pretty damned lovely moment, Dale.

Hopefully, it'll help you on your road to recovery over the sight of your neighbor in the leopard print.

BeckEye said...

Dale, are you trying to seduce me?

(Say yes...I'm trying to enrage Beth even more than I already have. Nyuk nyuk.)

Dale said...

There were neighbors there too for me to enjoy Chancelucky but at least they didn't ruin my moment.

It was a pretty good weekend but boring because you weren't there of course Tanya.

The quiet and the beauty are powerful no matter where GT.

Thanks Jake's Mom.

Why yes, yes I am (to coin a Tanyaism) Flannery.

Thanks Jacy. When I see your name I think 'Jacy and the Pussycats'.

Luckily Johnny, there were enough clouds in my coffee that the stinging of the leopard image on my eyes was temporarily obscured.

Beckeye, I am trying to seduce you although in Beth's defense, she has offered to show me her Georgia peaches. Care to up the ante?

Writeprocrastinator said...

What, no leopard patterned clothing going up and down to the strains of 70's porno music?

Mmmmm, "Georgia peaches," ahhhh-ll-ahhhh.

deadspot said...

Very nice. I'll take two.

Tenacious S said...

Wow. Can I have coffee with you at the cottage? Actually, I'm having a peaceful moment right now. Kids off to school and a few minutes to myself before I launch into the mayhem that is work.

Mob said...

I'm still waiting for the punchline Dale; you don't normally go the poetic route.

I'm very impressed sir.

T said...

I bought that greeting card for myself years ago.

Actually, that's me every Saturday morning, -except I'm at my dining room table reading the paper, having coffee, talking to my dog, Ginger, and waiting for some pre-game show to start on ESPN.

Well done.

katrocket said...

It's the dreamiest.

Some Guy said...

It's like I was there.

Great imagery!

Cup said...

How lovely! Otis just smiled in his grave.

Andi said...

I'm relaxed just reading about it.

Helene said...

very nice... I could just imagine it!

I have grown to like the quiet... not mornings... just quiet! *wink

Sans Pantaloons said...

Elegant eloquence.

wonderturtle said...

Once that happened to me, and I yelled at the quiet to stop copying me. I'm subtle like that.

chelene said...

You have quieted my snark with your pretty words. Damn you.

Coaster Punchman said...

How's bout some pictures of this little cottage life of yours?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

You're never coming back to the city, are you?

anandamide said...

I hope that coffee was Sanka. Otherwise, this didn't make me feel mellow at all !!

Morris "Mo" Wanchuk said...

This sounds like a Cialis commercial on PGA Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm.... coffee. Can't appreciate the beauty of nature without it.

Anonymous said...

Did you get some this past weekend? All poetic like and stuff...

X. Dell said...

Um, could you send me some of what you put in that coffee?

Creepy said...

Sauntering, reflecting... What are you, in rehab?

Zed said...

Are you sure you're not depressed? There are pills for that. Happy pills! :)

paperback reader said...

Sometimes my mornings are like that, though the sun's just reflecting off the dishwater from the clogged sink drain. That's pretty poetic, too.

Dale said...

No leopard, no peaches, just quiet WP.

In the mail, Deadspot.

Anytime Tenacious S., come on up. I'm not a morning person but when I'm stuck in the nature, it's a different thing.

It's not often I don't go for the lame joke Mob. Also see here.

I liked it so much T., I bought the company! And so you're saying we're exactly the same only completely different? I get it!

My dreams have been strange lately too Katrocket, what would you say about that? Cloudiest?

Thanks Chris, next time, pick up Tenacious S. and come.

Lovely like you Beth. And Otis.

See all I do for you Andi? Give give give.

I like the loud at times Kate but there's something about country quiet that's special.

Thanks SansiPants.

That's why you're my hero Wonderturtle.

Damn indeed Chelene. You'll bounce back.

Pictures of what CP? The mist? The coffee? The crosswords? The quiet? The hangover?

Unfortunately Barbara, I had to. Damn it.

It was not but next time, I'll make sure there's some for you, nobody wants a jumpy Anandamide.

I've always wanted to write for Cialis commercials Mo but it's so damned hard. And big.

You can but to open your eyes, the coffee's sometimes required Fluffy.

Some nature Bluez? Yep.

You can't send that through the mail X. Dell! You oughta know better.

I'm Lindsay Lohan's inside dealer Creepy, don't tell anyone.

I want to have an old fashioned pill party Zed. One bowl and everyone's meds. You in?

Indeed Pistols. So when I think of your name now, is it Pistols at Dishwashing Liquid?