Back to important things - these magical cookies I speak of are sold by the local Lions Club and so by eating them, I'm assuredly saving lives and contributing to the sustainability of their organization. The way I figure it is that if I order and eat just a few dozen more tins, they're sure to launch a special project in my honour - Save the Dales! and I'll end up the star of a prime time made for tv movie. Should I play myself or is that too bold?

I have to go now and hoover up any stray crumbs and make some important decisions.
Play yourself!
why don't you have an email address? I can't email you. I hate that!
is that stalkeree, creepy chick syndrome of me?
where's your movie meemish, potd? I want it posted today.
please :--0
That's it !
I'm coming round your house for a Cookie christmas frenzy. Bugger the Lions. Let's get fat !
May I have a Lion's Club cookie? You really should share your treats, Passion Bee.
Seeing as you are such a selfless humanitarian, saving the world through cookie ingestion, I would suggest that perhaps Mother Theresa or someone equally holy should play the part of Dale. Better yet - Bono!
Ohhh, cookie induced cleaning frenzies are the best. Second only to Diet cola induced cleaning frenzies. Can I come over and help with the cookie consumption if I bring over a case of Diet Dr Pepper?
Bubble wrap a cookie and send it to me. You know you want to share.
Wow Dale, those cookies sound great. Only because I'm too tired to be funny right now, I will advise you against buying several more tins for now.
Thank God the holidays only come once a year.
"Should I play myself or is that too bold?"
You crack me up, Mr. Dale! Thanks for making my midterm a little more bearable. Good luck with your cookies and vacuuming.
Holiday butter cookies from Tag's bakery also have magical powers. Pure brain food, I tell you. Wrote almost twenty pages fueled by those and Coke.
Oh I couldn't! Okay, I will.
You're such a stalker Katie. Relax, your email is on the way.
Come on over Ben, I'll order up some more tins and you bring some of your top 300 albums!
You may have one Beth. When I get more. I'm truly a selfish Bee.
Bono's a good choice only his head is about twice as big as required Barbara. Will he play it without the bug eyed glasses?
Bring the regular pop, not the diet stuff MellowLee and you're in!
Oh Chelene, I'm a bad sharer. They're all gone. I'll bubble wrap you one if I can scare up some more.
How about just one more tin CP? I'm trying to promise to share.
Geeti Das! Get back to work! Tsk tsk. Wanna cookie?
I didn't mention it Tenacious S but the secret rocket fuel was Coke here too. Mmmmmm.
I think the last thing I would like to see are organized lions. I think the people in Detroit would disagree, though.
Shhh, they could be organizing right now X. Man.
I like chocolate chip cookies very much, but oatmeal raisin cookies are cool too. Do the Lions sell oatmeal raisin cookies? Send me a box, Dale? Or two?
Sharing is good for the soul. Do it for yourself. :)
I can't get that intimate with a chocolate chip cookie (I know, I'm a heathen) but I do like the oatmeal raisin variety Zed. I'll see if I can hook you up.
The words that stuck out for me there were "magic cookies" and "made for tv movie" starring you. Not saying that I have ever tried magic cookies but if I ever did I would want to watch a tv movie starring you!
Haha, hi Slaygirl. I'm going to have to make the movie now just to get your review of it!
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